Thinking Errors
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Fears & Phobias | (Unreasonable Desire)Thoughts are biased by the need to think of wats to avoid certain things or situations. | |
Irrations likes and dislikes | (Unreasonable Desire)Likes and Dislikes aren't based on an appreciation of one's real needs and values. | |
Impulsiveness | (Unreasonable Desire)People act on the basis of immediate needs. | |
Wishful Thinking | (Overly Influential Desire)Desires influence beliefs about the future. | |
My-side bias | (Overly Influential Desire)One's own ideas, beliefs, and assumptions are favored over those of other people. | |
Rationalization | (Overly Influential Desire)Bogus excuses are constructed to justify questionable courses of action. | |
Belief Bias | (Overly Influential Beliefs)New information is interpreted to make it compatible with existing beliefs and hypotheses. | |
Belief perseverance | (Overly Influential Beliefs)People persist in their beliefs, despite evidence showing those beliefs to be mistaken. | |
Selective perception | (Overly Influential Beliefs)People see what they expect to see, what they hope to see, and what their roles and training lead them to look for. | |
Illusory correlation | (Overly Influential Beliefs)People perceive non-existent correlations in date due to the effects of prior assumptions. | |
Frame-of-reference biases | (Overly Influential Beliefs)Thinking is ecocentric (dominated by one's personal point-of-view), ethnocentric(dominated by one's personal point-of-view), or sociocentric (dominated by assumptions of one's social class or culture.) | |
Strong habit intrusion | (Memory effects)Highly-learned habits cause behavior to be inappropriate to the situation. | |
Primacy and recency effects | (Memory effects) People are more likely to remember items at the start and towards the end of a list. | |
Misuse of the availability heuristic | (Memory effects)Judgements of even likelihood are based on the ease with which we can recall instances from memory. | |
Hindsight bias | (Memory effects)After the fact, people overestimate the degree to which they could have predicted an outcome. | |
One-shot thinking | (Insufficient Effort)People adapt the first alternative or conclusion that seems reasonable. | |
Mindlessness | (Insufficient effort)Relying on habit, routine, and conformity, people aren't as thoughtful as they should be. | |
Misuse of the representativeness heuristic | (Over-Reliance on Similarity)The similarity of a thing or event to past experiences has an excessive effect on assessments of its likelihood. | |
Use of stereotypes | (Over-reliance on similarity)Conclusions about a person or thing are based on stereotypes, rather than on case-specific information. | |
Conjunction fallacy | (Over-reliance on similarity)People think it more likely that two events will occur together than that just one of the events will occur. | |
Self-fulfilling prophecies | (Mishandled information) People don't recognize how their expectations affect their behaviors and the ultimate outcomes of their actions. | |
Neglect of base rates | (Mishandled information)People ignore prior probabilities in favor of other information that is less informative. | |
Insensitivity to sample size | (Mishandled information)People over estimate the validity of conclusions based on small samples. | |
Misuse of the anchoring and adjustment heuristic | (Mishandled information)When making estimates of probabilities and other numerical values, people ten to "anchor" on a readily available initial value and not adjust enough in the direction of the true value. | |
Conjunctive and disjunctive events | (Mishandled information)People over-estimate the probabilities of conjunctive events and under-estimate the probabilities of disjunctive events. | |
Neglect of regression effects | (Cognitive Limitations)People don't realize that extreme performances tend to be followed by performances that are closer to the average. | |
Over-confidence | (Cognitive Limitations)People tend to be over-confident in their judgements and to think they know more than they really do. | |
Illusion of control | (Cognitive Limitations)People over-estimate the amount of influence they have on events and outcomes. |
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