GRE words Sam needs to work on
Popularity (by total correct streak): 356
Popularity (by number of users): 1
ebullient | showing enthusiasm or exhilaration | |
educe | to draw out | |
efface | to obliterate, wipe out, erase | |
effervescent | bubbling up (v. effervesce) | |
effete | 1. exhausted, as having preformed its function 2. lacking in wholesome vigor, degenerate | |
effluvium | an ill-smelling exhalation from decaying or putrefying matter | |
effrontery | unblushing impudence | |
effulgence | splendor | |
effuse | to pour forth | |
electrolysis | the process of destroying a chemical compound through an electric charge | |
electrotype | a metallic copy of any surface, as a coin | |
elegy | a poem lamenting the dead | |
elocution | the perfecting of speech-giving (dealing intonation, inflection and gestures) | |
elucidate | to bring out more clearly the facts concerning | |
elusion | evasion | |
emaciate | to waste away in flesh | |
embolism | an obstruction of a blood vessel | |
embroil | to involve in dissension or strife | |
eminence | an elevated position of rank, place or character (eminent: high in station) | |
emporium | a large room or city of commerce (e.g. a retail store or New York City) | |
encomium | a formal expression of praise | |
encyclical | intended for general circulation | |
endemic | peculiar to some specific country or people | |
endue | to endow with grace | |
enervate | to deprive of force or strength, to weaken | (revised) |
ennoble | to dignify | |
enrapture | to delight intensely | |
enshrine | to keep sacred | |
enthuse | to yield to or display intense and rapturous feeling | |
entomology | study of insects | |
epicure | one who cultivates a delicate taste for eating and drinking | |
epigram | a pithy phrasing of a shrewd observation | |
epitaph | inscription on a tomb stone | |
epithet | a descriptive nickname | |
epitome | a simplified representation | |
epizootic | prevailing among animals | |
epode | a species of lyric poems | |
equanimity | eveness of mind or temper | |
equestrian | pertaining to horses | |
equivocal | ambiguous | |
erudite | very-learned | |
erudition | extensive knowledge of literature, history, etc. | |
eschew | to keep clear of | |
esthetic | pertaining to beauty, taste, or fine arts | |
estimable | esteem-able | |
euphonious | agreeable sounding | |
evanesce | to vanish gradually | |
evanescent | fleeting | |
evert | to turn inside out | |
evince | to make manifest or evident | |
exacerbate | to make more sharp, severe, or virulent | |
excrescence | an unnatural addition, outgrowth | |
execrable | abominable | |
exhume | to unbury something | |
exigent | urgent | |
expectorate | to cough up and spit forth | |
explicate | to clear from involvement | |
expostulate | to discuss | |
extempore | without studied or special preparation | |
extensor | a muscle that causes extension | |
extenuate | to diminish the gravity or importance of | |
extradite | to surrender the custody of (usually a transaction between governments) | |
extraneous | having no essential relation to a subject | |
extricate | disentangle | |
extrude | to drive out or away |
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