Norwegian words from Kelly Project
Popularity (by total correct streak): 1566
Popularity (by number of users): 1
å løse | to let loose, buy, solve | |
en evne | an ability | |
en anledning | a cause, opportunity | |
høyre | right | |
å produsere | to produce | |
effektiv | efficient | |
å sammenligne | to compare | |
å innebære | to imply | |
en buss | a bus | |
en leser | a reader | |
å synge | to sing | |
teknisk | technical | |
en tilgang | an access, supply | |
å interessere | to interest | |
å sjekke | to check | |
et utvalg | a choice, collection | |
ei dame | a lady | |
å redde | to rescue | |
et universitet | a university | |
en omgang | a round, turn | |
en profil | a profile, contour | |
et skriv | a document | |
et språk | a language | |
farlig | dangerous | |
verdt | worthwhile | |
å inkludere | to include | |
en oversikt | an overview | |
et middel | an instrument | |
ei glede | a joy/happiness | |
et tap | a loss | |
en alder | an age | |
en metode | a method | |
et syn | a sight, vision | |
å eksistere | to exist | |
å takke | to thank | |
fjern | far, distant | |
fy | ugh | |
digital | digital | |
å ete | to eat | |
en størrelse | a size | |
avhengig | dependent | |
å bære | to carry | |
en kompetanse | an authority | |
en sang | a song | |
plutselig | suddenly | |
sann | true | |
ei inntekt | an income | |
et brev | a letter | |
et sykehus | a hospital | |
utover | over, across, down | |
å plassere | to place | |
en e-post | an email | |
omtrent | approximately | |
å organisere | to organise | |
å vedta | to accept, adopt | |
en stand | a condition, class | |
svensk | Swedish | |
en risiko | a risk | |
å besøke | to visit | |
midt | in the middle | |
et uttrykk | an expression, phrase | |
et press | a pressure, force | |
en anmeldelse | a review | (revised) |
å teste | to test | |
å ødelegge | to destroy | |
ei opplysning | an illumination, information | |
trolig | likely | |
ei handling | an act, action | |
populær | popular | |
å imponere | to impress | |
å representere | to represent | |
dyp | deep | |
en konsert | a concert | |
en kritikk | a criticism, review | |
en produksjon | a production | |
en deltaker | a participant | |
å inngå | to contract, enter into | |
å invitere | to invite | |
tysk | German | |
å foreta | to carry out | |
kjent | familiar, famous | |
tett | dense | |
en knapp | a button | |
inntil | as far as, against | |
et faktum | a circumstance, fact | |
et utstyr | an equipment | |
en standard | a standard | |
gjennomført | consistent | |
et tegn | a sign | |
ei linje | a line | |
en ressurs | a resource, means | |
en skjerm | a cover | |
ei befolkning | a population | |
en T-bane | a subway | |
ei retning | a direction, course | |
å skaffe | to obtain | |
en tube | a tube | |
moderne | modern | |
ei olje | an oil | |
en skatt | a tax | |
en tale | a speech | |
å lansere | to launch | |
rimelig | reasonable |
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