Popularity (by total correct streak): 315
Popularity (by number of users): 1
Ordenar | to arrange, order | |
El recorrido | tour, rounds | |
Blando/a | soft | |
Tibio/a | warm | |
El mordisco | bite | |
Atragantarse | to dislike | |
Siquiera | at least, even (negative) | |
Haber | to be, to have, there is/are | |
Apenas | hardly/barely, as soon as | |
Acordar | to agree | |
Acordarse | to remember | |
Suponer | to suppose/imagine | |
La vereda | pavement/sidewalk | |
Por si acaso | just in case | |
soñar | to dream | |
aprobar | to pass (an exam) | |
la beca | scholarship | |
el director | director | |
el marido | husband | |
estropeado/a | damaged, broken | |
ladrar | to bark | |
imitar | to imitate | |
atrasar | to delay, to be slow/behind | |
afinar | to tune | |
desafinar | to be off pitch | |
el pico | beak | |
volar | to fly | |
desaparecer | to disappear | |
el loro | parrot | |
la mosca | fly | |
la tristeza | sadness, grief | |
la locura | insanity, madness | |
adelgazar | to lose weight | |
dejar | to let/allow, to leave/abandon, to stop/give up | |
pillar | to catch, plunder | |
la cueva | cave | |
resguardar | to protect, shelter | |
el guardia | police officer | |
la guardia | police department | |
reposar | to rest | |
a las tantas | very late | |
escapada | short trip | |
radiante | joyful, beaming, content | |
el hallazgo | discovery | |
el varón | a son, boy | |
trillizos | triplets | |
la equivocación | mistake | |
rechazar | reject | |
aún | still | |
aún | still | |
plantearse | to arise |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.