Popularity (by total correct streak): 157
Popularity (by number of users): 1
worthy, decent | digno | |
to claim/demand, complain about (protest) | reclamar | |
to reproach/censure | reprochar | |
to request, to beg | suplicar | |
to mutter/mumble/whisper | susurrar | |
to answer (question), to clarify | aclarar | |
to remember, to remind | recordar | |
to tell/state, to discuss, to mention | comentar | |
to harass | atosigar | |
warning | la advertencia | |
intent, purpose | el propósito | |
intention | la intención | |
to take advantage of | aprovechar | |
demanding, tough | exigente | |
to manage, to reach | lograr | |
to hallucinate, to be amazed/surprised | alucinar | |
to realize | percatarse | |
roll of film | el carrete | |
flashlight | la linterna | |
to misplace | extraviar | |
undoubtedly, without doubt | desde luego | |
absentminded | atontado/a | |
to annoy, to irritate | fastidiar | |
to bite | morder | |
shot, gunshot | el tiro | |
to forgive, to pardon | perdonar | |
to hang up (phone) | colgar | |
to scare | espantar | |
awning | el toldo | |
canvas | el lienzo | (revised) |
barrier | la barrera | |
studio, workshop | un taller | |
sparrow hawk | el gavilán | |
to say goodbye | despedirse | |
to say goodbye | despedirse | |
hill, vegetation | el monte | |
mustache | el bigote | |
rough | áspero | |
abrupt | brusco | |
to contradict | contradecir | |
media | los medios | |
events | los acontecimientos |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.