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先生[せんせい]が 学生[がくせい]に 宿題[しゅくだい]をたくさんさせた。 Teacher made students do lots of homework. 003 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
先生[せんせい]が 質問[しつもん]をたくさん 聞[き]かせてくれた。 Teacher let [someone] ask lots of questions. 004 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
全部[ぜんぶ] 食[た]べさせてくれた。 Let (someone) eat it all. 002 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
みんなに 変[へん]だと 言[い]われます。 I am told by everybody that [I'm] strange. (polite) 012 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Passive Verbs  
全部[ぜんぶ] 食[た]べさせた。 Made/Let (someone) eat it all. 001 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
トイレに 行[い]ってもいいですか。 Is it ok to go to the bathroom? (No problem here) 008 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
このパッケージには、あらゆるものが 含[ふく]まれている。 Everything is included in this package. 016 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Passive Verbs  
外国[がいこく] 人[じん]に 質問[しつもん]を 聞[き]かれたが、 答[こた]えられなかった。 I was asked a question by a foreigner but I couldn't answer . 015 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Passive Verbs  
同[おな]じことを 何[なん] 回[かい]も 言[い]わすな! Don't make me say the same thing again and again! 009 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs - A Shorter Alternative  
光[ひかり]の 速[はや]さを 超[こ]えるのは、 不可能[ふかのう]だと 思[おも]われる。 Exceeding the speed of light is thought to be impossible. 013 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Passive Verbs  
その 部長[ぶちょう]は、よく 長時間[ちょうじかん] 働[はたら]かせる。 That manager often make [people] work long hours. 006 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
トイレに 行[い]かせてくれますか。 Can you let me go to the bathroom? (Sounds like a prisoner, even in English) 007 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
ポリッジが 誰[だれ]かに 食[た]べられた! The porridge was eaten by somebody! 011 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Passive Verbs  
今日[きょう]は 仕事[しごと]を 休[やす]ませてください。 Please let me rest from work today. (Please let me take the day off today.) 005 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative Verbs  
広子[ひろこ]の 家[いえ]に 行[い]ったことある?/あるわけないでしょう。 Have you ever gone to Hiroko's house? / There's no way I would have ever gone to her house, right? 230 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Coming to a conclusion with 「わけ」 - combine with ない to indicate no reasonable way  
この 字[じ]は 読[よ]みにくい。 This hand-writing is hard to read . 206 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Using 「~やすい、~にくい」 to describe easy and difficult actions  
もう 逃[に]げられないかもしれんぞ。 Might not be able to escape anymore, you know. (manly) 085 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「かもしれない」 to express uncertainty  
仕事[しごと]で 何[なに]をなさっているんですか。 What are you doing at work? 027 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Examples of honorific form  
朝[あさ]ご 飯[はん]は 食[た]べたくなかったのに、 食[た]べさせられた。 Despite not wanting to eat breakfast, I was made to eat it. 019 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative-Passive Forms  
すまん。 Sorry . 222 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - A casual masculine type of negative that ends in 「ん」  
学生[がくせい]が 廊下[ろうか]に 立[た]たされた。 The student was made to stand in the hall. 023 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative-Passive Forms - A Shorter Alternative  
日本[にっぽん]では、お 酒[さけ]を 飲[の]ませられることが 多[おお]い。 In Japan, the event of being made to drink is numerous. 020 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative-Passive Forms  
この 漬物[つけもの]は 美味[おい]しそう! I bet this pickled vegetable is tasty ! (This pickled vegetable looks good !) 162 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」- The 「い」 in i-adjectives must be dropped.  
航空[こうくう] 券[けん]は 安[やす]ければ 安[やす]いほどいいとは 限[かぎ]らない。 It's not necessarily the case that the cheaper the plane ticket, the better it is. 141 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something - use with conditionals i-adjectives  
このピザはお 好み焼[このみや]きのように 見[み]える。 This pizza looks like okonomiyaki. 159 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Using 「みたい」 to say something looks like something else - use よう for authoritive writing.  
商品[しょうひん]の 品質[ひんしつ]を 何[なに]より 大切[たいせつ]にしています。 We place value in product's quality over anything else . 195 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「より」 for comparisons - Using 「より」 as a superlative with question words.  
一 人[にん]で 行[い]くことはありません I never go by myself. (polite) 067 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「こと」 to say whether something has happened  
観客[かんきゃく]として 参加[さんか]させてもらった。 Received favor of allowing to participate as spectator . 237 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Making hypotheses with 「とする」  
アリスからしか 何[なに]ももらってない。 I didn't receive anything from anyone except from Alice. 113 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」 - with major particles  
彼[かれ]は 麻雀[まーじゃん]ばかりです。 He's nothing but mahjong. (He does nothing but play mahjong.) (polite) 122 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Expressing the opposite of 「だけ」 with 「ばかり」  
それだけは、 食[た]べないでください。 Just don't eat that. ( Anything else is assumed to be OK ). 097 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」 - with other particles  
とても 信[しん]じがたい 話[はなし]だが、 本当[ほんとう]に 起[お]こったらしい。 It's a very difficult to believe story but it seems (from hearsay) that it really happened. 212 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Variations of 「~にくい」 with 「~がたい」 and 「~づらい」 - use 「~がたい」 with less physical actions  
雨[あめ]で 試合[しあい]は 中止[ちゅうし]になるかもしれないね。 The game may become canceled by rain, huh? 082 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「かもしれない」 to express uncertainty  
お 酒[さけ]を 飲[の]みすぎないように 気[き]をつけてね。 Be careful to not drink too much , ok? 126 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Saying there's too much of something using 「すぎる」  
どうしてこなかったの?/ 授業[じゅぎょう]があったの。 Why didn't (you) come? / I had class. ( feminine explanatory ) 078 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「の」 as a casual feminine way to emphasize  
どうしてこなかったの?/ 授業[じゅぎょう]があったもの。 Why didn't (you) come? / I had class. ( feminine explanatory ) 079 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「もの」 as a casual feminine way to emphasize  
どうぞ、ごゆっくりなさいませ。 Please take your time and relax. 051 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Making honorific requests  
時間[じかん]が 足[た]りなさすぎて、 何[なに]もできなかった。 Due to too much of a lack of time, I couldn't do anything. 129 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Saying there's too much of something using 「すぎる」  
日本[にっぽん]の 映画[えいが]を 観[み]たことないの? You've never seen a Japanese movie? 070 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「こと」 to say whether something has happened  
花[はな]より 団子[だんご]。 Dango rather than flowers. (This is a very famous proverb.) 190 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「より」 for comparisons  
彼[かれ]は 何[なに]も 言[い]わず、 帰[かえ]ってしまった。 He went home without saying anything. 219 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - Doing something without doing something else - replacing  ない with ず  
先生[せんせい]はお 見[み]えになりますか。 Has the teacher been seen ? 038 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Honorific Form Conjugation 1: お + stem + に + なる  
この 犬[いぬ]は 可哀相[かわいそう]。 Oh, this poor dog. 169 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」 - This grammar does not work with plain nouns - don't use with かわい for "to look cute"  
明日[あした]、 雨[あめ]が 降[ふ]るそうだ。 I hear that it's going to rain tomorrow. 171 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing hearsay using 「~そうだ」  
すみません、お 待[ま]たせしました。 Sorry, I made you wait (causative form). 046 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Humble Form Conjugation: お + stem + する  
これからどこへ 行[い]くんでしょうか? Where (are you) going from here? 088 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 to express a fair amount of certainty (polite)  
漢字[かんじ]の 書き方[かきかた]を 教[おし]えてくれますか? Can you teach me the way of writing kanji? 199 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 to express a way to do something  
カクテルはビールより 飲[の]みやすい。 Cocktails are easier to drink than beer. 207 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Using 「~やすい、~にくい」 to describe easy and difficult actions  
今[いま]は 授業[じゅぎょう]が 終[おわ]ったところです。 Class has ended just now. (polite) 076 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「ところ」 as an abstract place, time or characteristic  
今日[きょう]、 田中[たなか]さんはこないの?/だそうです。 Is Tanaka-san not coming today? / So I hear . 174 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing hearsay using 「~そうだ」  
その 人[ひと]だけが 好[す]きだったんだ。 That person was the only person I liked. 099 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」 - with other particles  
あの 人[ひと]はちょっと 韓国[かんこく] 人[じん]っぽいよね。 That person looks like a Korean person , huh? 179 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - 「っぽい」: Slang expression of similarity  
休[やす]ませていただけますでしょうか。 May I receive the favor of resting, possibly ? (really polite) 089 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 to express a fair amount of certainty (polite)  
貧乏[びんぼう]ながらも、 高級[こうきゅう]なバッグを 買[か]っちゃったよ。 Although I'm poor , I ended up buying a high quality bag. 253 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 with state of being to mean "while" - ながらも for "even while"  
この 犬[いぬ]は 可愛[かわい]い。 This dog is cute . 170 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」 - This grammar does not work with plain nouns  
これはただの 試合[しあい]じゃなさそうだ。 This isn't likely to be an ordinary match. 166 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」 - For all negative tenses, the 「い」 must be replaced with 「さ」.  
天気[てんき] 予報[よほう]によると、 今日[きょう]は 雨[あめ]だそうだ。 According to the weather forecast , I hear today is rain. 204 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Indicating a source of information using 「によると」  
すみません、 今[いま] 食[た]べたばかりなので、お 腹[なか]がいっぱいです。 Sorry, but I'm full having just eaten . 240 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Expressing an action that was just completed using 「~ばかり」  
日本[にっぽん]では、お 酒[さけ]を 飲[の]まされることが 多[おお]い。 In Japan, the event of being made to drink is numerous. 024 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative-Passive Forms - A Shorter Alternative  
人[ひと]によって 話[はなし]が 違[ちが]う。 The story is different depending on the person. 201 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「によって」 to express dependency  
これから 頑張[がんば]るしかない! From here on there's nothing to do but try our best ! 114 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」 - with verbs  
準備[じゅんび]が 終[お]わったから、これからは 食[た]べるだけだ。 Since the preparations are done, from here we just eat . 102 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」 - with verbs  
親[おや]に 毎日[まいにち] 宿題[しゅくだい]をさせられる。 I am made to do homework everyday by my parent(s). 022 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative-Passive Forms  
待ち合[まちあ]わせは、 分[わ]かりづらい 場所[ばしょ]にしないでね。 Please don't pick a difficult to understand location for the meeting arrangement. 214 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Variations of 「~にくい」 with 「~がたい」 and 「~づらい」 - use 「~づらい」 in a more course way.  
あの 人[ひと]を 見[み]たような 気[き]がした。 Had a feeling like I saw that person before. 149 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing similarity with よう (様) - used as a な adjective  
あなたは、 学生[がくせい]さんでしょうか。 Are (you) student? 087 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 to express a fair amount of certainty (polite)  
友達[ともだち]の 話[はなし]によると、 朋子[ともこ]はやっとボーイフレンドを 見[み]つけたらしい。 According to a friend's story , it appears that Tomoko finally found a boyfriend. 205 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Indicating a source of information using 「によると」  
佐藤[さとう]さんは 料理[りょうり]が 上手[じょうず]で、また 食[た]べ 過[す]ぎました。 Satou-san is good at cooking and I ate too much again. (polite) 125 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Saying there's too much of something using 「すぎる」  
お 手洗[てあら]いはこのビルの二 階[かい]にあります。 The bathroom is in the second floor of this building. (polite/non-humble example) 036 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Other substitutions  
明日[あした]に 行[い]くとする。 Assume we go tomorrow. 235 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Making hypotheses with 「とする」  
また 遅刻[ちこく]しちまったよ。 Darn , I'm late again. (manly) 063 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using the casual version of 「~てしまう」  
金魚[きんぎょ]がもう 死[し]んでしまった。 The goldfish died already (oops) . 058 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using 「しまう」 with other verbs  
勉強[べんきょう]せずに 東大[とうだい]に 入[い]れると 思[おも]わないな。 I don't think you can get in Tokyo University without studying . 221 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - Doing something without doing something else  
もう 帰[かえ]っちゃっていい? Is it OK if I went home already? 060 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using the casual version of 「~てしまう」  
このビルの 高[たか]さは 何[なに]ですか? What is the height of this building? 143 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「~さ」 with adjectives to indicate an amount  
学生[がくせい]のようだ。 Looks like it's a student. 147 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing similarity with よう (様) - attach の or な for modifying nouns or adjectives  
ここには、 誰[だれ]もいないようだ。 Looks like no one is here. 145 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing similarity with よう (様) - declare state  
これから 食[た]べに 行[い]くんでしょ。/だったら? You're going to eat from now aren't you ? / So what if I am? 091 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 and 「だろう」 to express strong amount of certainty (casual)  
この 映画[えいが]は一 回[かい] 見[み]たことあるかも! I might have already seen this movie once. (casual abbreviated) 083 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「かもしれない」 to express uncertainty  
ゆっくり 食[た]べた 方[ほう]が 健康[けんこう]にいいよ。 It's bett er for your health to eat slowly. 186 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons - non-negative verbs are past tense  
あそこが 代々木公園[よよぎこうえん]かもしれない。 That might be Yoyogi park over there. 084 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「かもしれない」 to express uncertainty  
そのケーキを 全部[ぜんぶ] 食[た]べてしまった。 Oops , I ate that whole cake. 053 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using 「しまう」 with other verbs  
もう 10 時[じ]になったから、 来[き]なさそうだね。 Since it already became 10:00, it's likely that (person) won't come . 165 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」 - For all negative tenses, the 「い」 must be replaced with 「さ」.  
歩[ある]いたら 歩[ある]くほど、 迷[まよ]ってしまった。 The more I walked , the more I got lost. 138 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something - use with conditionals verbs  
スミスさんは 食堂[しょくどう]に 行[い]ったかもしれません。 Smith-san may have gone to the cafeteria. (polite) 081 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「かもしれない」 to express uncertainty  
いらっしゃいませ。 Please come in! (every store) 048 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Making honorific requests  
今日[きょう]の 天気[てんき]はそれほど 寒[さむ]くない。 Today's weather is not cold to that extent . 135 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something  
これも 結構[けっこう]よさそうだけど、やっぱり 高[たか]いよね。 This one also seems to be fairly good but, as expected, it's expensive, huh? 163 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」- The 「い」 in i-adjectives must be dropped. - exception for いい adjective  
彼[かれ]は、 優[やさ]しいところもあるよ。 His personality has some gentle parts too, you know. 075 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「ところ」 as an abstract place, time or characteristic  
部屋[へや]が 暗[くら]かったので、 見[み]にくかった。 Since the room was dark, it was hard to see . 208 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Using 「~やすい、~にくい」 to describe easy and difficult actions  
ちゃんと 食[た]べないと、 痩[や]せてしまいますよ。 If you don't eat properly, you'll (unintentionally) lose weight you know. (polite) 055 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using 「しまう」 with other verbs  
あっ! 遅刻[ちこく]しちゃう!/だから、 時間[じかん]がないって 言[い]ったでしょう! Ah! We're going to be late! / That's why I told you there was no time! 090 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 and 「だろう」 to express strong amount of certainty (casual)  
もう 売り切[うりき]れのようだ。 It appears that it is sold-out already. 158 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Using 「みたい」 to say something looks like something else - use よう for authoritive writing  
仕事[しごと]が一 杯[はい] 入[はい]って、 残念[ざんねん]ながら、 今日[きょう]は 行[い]けなくなりました。 While it's unfortunate , a lot of work came in and it became so that I can't go today. 252 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 with state of being to mean "while"  
今度[こんど]は 負[ま]けるわけにはいかない。 This time, I must not lose at all costs . 233 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Coming to a conclusion with 「わけ」 - uncommon way to formally say something must be done at all cost.  
毎日[まいにち] 仕事[しごと]に 行[い]くのが 嫌[いや]だ。/ 仕事[しごと]がないよりましだよ。 I don't like going to work everyday. / It's not as bad as opposed to not having a job. 193 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「より」 for comparisons  
掃除[そうじ]、 手伝[てつだ]ってくれるでしょう。/え?そうなの? You're going to help me clean, right? / Huh? Is that so? 092 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 and 「だろう」 to express strong amount of certainty (casual)  
文章[ぶんしょう]は、 短[みじか]ければ 短[みじか]いほど、 簡単[かんたん]なら 簡単[かんたん]なほどよいです。 The shorter and simpler the sentences, the better it is. 142 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something - use with conditional na-adjectives  
有り難[ありがた]う 御座[ござ]いました。またお 越[こ]しくださいませ。 Thank you very much. Please come again. 050 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Making honorific requests  
どうしてこなかったの?/ 授業[じゅぎょう]があったもん。 Why didn't (you) come? / I had class, so there . ( feminine explanatory ) 080 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「もの」 as a casual feminine way to emphasize  
もうお 帰[かえ]りですか。 You're going home already? 039 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Honorific Form Conjugation 2: お + stem + です  
ここは 静[しず]かなようだ。 Looks like it's quiet. 148 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing similarity with よう (様)- attach の or な for modifying nouns or adjectives  
ポップコーンを 食[た]べながら、 映画[えいが]を 観[み]る。 Watch movie while eating popcorn. 249 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 for two concurrent actions - tense determined by final verb  
韓国[かんこく] 人[じん]と 結婚[けっこん]してはならぬ! You must not marry a Korean! 226 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - A classical negative verb that ends in 「ぬ」  
全部[ぜんぶ] 買[か]うの?/ううん、これしか 買[か]わない。 You're buying everything? / Nah, won't buy anything but this. 112 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」  
韓国[かんこく] 人[じん]と 結婚[けっこん]しなくてはならん! You must marry a Korean! 223 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - A casual masculine type of negative that ends in 「ん」  
宿題[しゅくだい]をやった?/しまった! Did you do homework? / Oh no ! (I screwed up!) 052 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Unintended Actions  
みんな、どっか 行[い]っちゃったよ。 Everybody went off somewhere. 061 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using the casual version of 「~てしまう」  
一度[いちど] 行[い]ったこともないんです。 It's that I' ve never gone , not even once. (polite) 073 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「こと」 to say whether something has happened  
制服[せいふく]を 着[き]ている 姿[すがた]を 見[み]ると、 学生[がくせい]みたいです。 Looking at the uniform-wearing figure, (person) looks like a student. 154 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Using 「みたい」 to say something looks like something else  
口笛[くちぶえ]をしながら、 手紙[てがみ]を 書[か]いていた。 Was writing letter while whistling . 251 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 for two concurrent actions - tense determined by final verb.  
もう 売り切[うりき]れみたい。 Looks like it's sold out already. 153 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Using 「みたい」 to say something looks like something else  
アリスはどこだ?/もう 寝[ね]ているだろう。 Where is Alice? / Probably sleeping already. (manly) 093 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 and 「だろう」 to express strong amount of certainty (casual)  
よろしくお 願[ねが]いします。 I properly make request . 044 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Humble Form Conjugation: お + stem + する  
全部[ぜんぶ] 買[か]うの?/ううん、これだけ。 You're buying everything? / Nah, just this. 111 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」  
何[なに]も 食[た]べずにそんなにお 酒[さけ]を 飲[の]むと 当然[とうぜん] 酔っ払[よっぱら]いますよ。 Obviously, you're going to get drunk if you drink that much without eating anything. 220 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - Doing something without doing something elseず  
今日[きょう]だけは 悲[かな]しいままでいさせてほしい。 For only today, I want you to let me stay in this sad condition . 259 Special Expressions - Leaving something the way it is - Using 「まま」 to express a lack of change  
徹夜[てつや]して、 宿題[しゅくだい]することはある。 There are times when I do homework while staying up all night. 066 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「こと」 to say whether something has happened  
先生[せんせい]と 相談[そうだん]しないで、この 授業[じゅぎょう]を 取[と]ることは 出来[でき]ない。 You cannot take this class without consulting with teacher. 218 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - Doing something without doing something else - ないで  
昨晩[さくばん]のこと、 全然[ぜんぜん] 覚[おぼ]えてないな。/それは 飲[の]みすぎだよ。 Man, I don't remember anything about last night. / That's drinking too much . 131 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Saying there's too much of something using 「すぎる」 - use as a noun  
崇[たかし] 君[くん]は 漫画[まんが]ばっかり 読[よ]んでてさ。かっこ 悪[わる]い。 Takashi-kun is reading nothing but comic books... He's so uncool. 121 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Expressing the opposite of 「だけ」 with 「ばかり」  
学生[がくせい]じゃない 方[ほう]がいいよ。 It's better to not be a student. (lit: The way of not being student is good.) 184 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons - treat like a noun  
まさか、 今[いま] 起[お]きたばっかなの? No way, did you wake up just now? 244 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Expressing an action that was just completed using 「~ばかり」 - casual  
新宿[しんじゅく]の 行[い]き 方[かた]は 分[わ]かりますか。 Do you know the way to go to Shinjuku? 197 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 to express a way to do something  
この 販売[はんばい] 機[き]だけでは、 500 円[えん] 玉[だま]が 使[つか]えない。 Cannot use 500 yen coin in just this vending machine. 100 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」 - with other particles  
これとそれだけ。 Just that and this ( and nothing else ). 096 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」  
ゆっくり 食[た]べた 方[ほう]が 早[はや]く 食[た]べるよりいい。 It is better to eat slowly as opposed to eating quickly. 194 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「より」 for comparisons  
大人[おとな]らしくするつもりだったのに、 大騒[おおさわ]ぎしてしまった。 Despite the fact that I planned to act like an adult , I ended up making a big ruckus. 178 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing hearsay or behavior using 「~らしい」  
ご 飯[はん]の 方[ほう]が、パンより 美味[おい]しい。 Rice tastes better than bread. (lit: The rice way is tasty as opposed to bread.) 191 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「より」 for comparisons  
テレビを 付[つ]けっぱなしにしなければ 眠[ねむ]れない 人[ひと]は、 結構[けっこう]いる。 There exists a fair number of people who cannot sleep unless they turn on the TV and leave it that way . 261 Special Expressions - Leaving something the way it is - Using 「っぱなし」 to leave something the way it is  
ご 飯[はん]の 方[ほう]がおいしい。 Rice is tastier. (lit: The way of rice is tasty.) 182 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons  
鈴木[すずき]さんの 方[ほう]が 若[わか]い。 Suzuki-san is younger. (lit: The way of Suzuki is young.) 183 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons  
何[なに]も 食[た]べないで 寝[ね]ました。 Went to sleep without eating anything. 215 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - Doing something without doing something else - ないで  
こちらは、 私[わたし]の 部屋[へや]でございます。 This way is my room . 035 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Other substitutions  
10キロを 走[はし]ったばかりで、 凄[すご]く 疲[つか]れた。 I just ran 10 kilometers and am really tired. 241 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Expressing an action that was just completed using 「~ばかり」  
小林[こばやし]さんからだけには、 返事[へんじ]が 来[こ]なかった。 A reply has not come from only Kobayashi-san (topic + target). 101 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」 - with other minor particles  
パソコンの 使い方[つかいかた]は、みんな 知[し]っているでしょう。 Probably everybody knows the way to use PC's. 200 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 to express a way to do something  
私[わたし]が 書[か]いたレポートを 見[み]ていただけますか。 Will I be able to humbly receive the favor of getting my report looked at ? 032 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Examples of humble form  
相手[あいて]に 何[なに]も 言[い]わないながら、 自分[じぶん]の 気持[きも]ちを 分[わ]かってほしいのは 単[たん]なる 我[わ]が儘だと 思[おも]わない? Don't you think that wanting the other person to understand one's feelings while not saying anything is just simply selfishness? 248 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 for two concurrent actions  
もう 家[いえ]に 帰[かえ]るんだろう。/そうよ。 You're going home already, right? (manly) / That's right. 094 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 and 「だろう」 to express strong amount of certainty (casual)  
音楽[おんがく]を 聴[き]きながら、 学校[がっこう]へ 歩[ある]くのが 好[す]き。 Like to walk to school while listening to music. 247 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 for two concurrent actions  
今日[きょう]は 忙[いそが]しくて、 朝[あさ]ご 飯[はん]しか 食[た]べられなかった。 Today was busy and couldn't eat anything but breakfast. 110 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」  
彼[かれ]は 学生[がくせい]のような 雰囲気[ふんいき]ですね。 He has a student-like atmosphere. 150 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing similarity with よう (様) - used as a な adjective  
閉[し]まるドアにご 注意[ちゅうい] 下[くだ]さい。 Please be careful of the closing doors. 043 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Using 「ください」 with honorifics  
中国[ちゅうごく] 語[ご]が 読[よ]めるわけがない。 There's no way I can read Chinese. (lit: There is no reasoning for [me] to be able to read Chinese.) 229 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Coming to a conclusion with 「わけ」 - combine with ない to indicate no reasonable way  
この 乗車[じょうしゃ] 券[けん]は 発売[はつばい] 当日[とうじつ]のみ 有効[ゆうこう]です。 This boarding ticket is only valid on the date on which it was purchased. (polite) 104 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「のみ」 as a formal version of 「だけ」  
何[なに]だよ!おばさんばっかりじゃないか? What the? Isn't it nothing but obasan? 119 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Expressing the opposite of 「だけ」 with 「ばかり」  
少々[しょうしょう]お 待[ま]ちください。 Please wait a moment. 041 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Using 「ください」 with honorifics  
お 寿司[すし]を 食[た]べたことがある。 I've had sushi before. 069 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「こと」 to say whether something has happened  
こうなったら、 逃[に]げるしかない。 There's nothing to do but run away once it turns out like this. 115 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」 - with verbs  
これしかない。 There's nothing but this. 106 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」  
ここに 名前[なまえ]を 書[か]くだけでいいですか? Is it ok to just write [my] name here? (polite) 103 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」 - with verbs  
ごめん、ついお 前[まえ]を 呼[よ]んじまった。 Sorry, I just ended up yelling for you without thinking. (manly) 064 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using the casual version of 「~てしまう」  
あの 肉[にく]を 食[た]べるのは 難[むずか]しい。 The thing of eating that meat is difficult . 210 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Using 「~やすい、~にくい」 to describe easy and difficult actions  
試験[しけん]のために三 時間[じかん]も 勉強[べんきょう]した。 I studied three whole hours for the exam. 133 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Adding the 「も」 particle to express excessive amounts  
アンケート 対象[たいしょう]は 大学生[だいがくせい]のみです。 The survey's targets are only college students. (polite) 105 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「のみ」 as a formal version of 「だけ」  
こちらから 行[おこな]った 方[ほう]が 早[はや]かった。 It was faster to go from this way. 187 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons - non-negative verbs are past tense  
マトリックス・レボリューションを 観[み]ない 方[ほう]がいいよ。 It's bett er not to watch "Matrix Revolution". 188 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons - non-negative verbs are past tense  
いやだ。おばさんばっかり。 Eww. It's nothing but obasan. (girly) 120 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Expressing the opposite of 「だけ」 with 「ばかり」  
ごめん、 待[ま]たせてしまって! Sorry about (unintentionally) making you wait ! 057 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using 「しまう」 with other verbs  
明日[あした]の 会議[かいぎ]に 行[い]かれるんですか? Is it that you will be going to tomorrow's meeting? 018 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Using passive form to show politeness  
彼[かれ]は、 初心者[しょしんしゃ]ながらも、 実力[じつりょく]はプロと 同[おな]じだ。 Even while he is a beginner , his actual skills are the same as a pro. 254 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 with state of being to mean "while" - ながらも for "even while"  
りんごだけ。 Just apple(s) (and nothing else) . 095 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」  
彼[かれ]には、 彼女[かのじょ]がもったいなさすぎるよ。 She is totally wasted on him (too good for him). 130 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Saying there's too much of something using 「すぎる」  
恭子[きょうこ]は 全然[ぜんぜん] 女[おんな]っぽくないね。 Kyouko is not womanly at all, huh? 181 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - 「っぽい」: Slang expression of similarity  
あの 肉[にく]は 食[た]べにくい。 That meat is hard to eat . 209 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Using 「~やすい、~にくい」 to describe easy and difficult actions  
今[いま]、 家[いえ]に 帰[かえ]ったばかりです。 I got back home just now . 242 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Expressing an action that was just completed using 「~ばかり」  
朝[あさ]ご 飯[はん]を 食[た]べたとしても、もう 昼[ひる]だからお 腹[なか]が 空[あ]いたでしょう。 Even assuming that you ate breakfast , because it's already noon, you're probably hungry, right? 239 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Making hypotheses with 「とする」  
昨日[きのう]、 電話[でんわ]三 回[かい]もしたよ! I called you like three times yesterday! 132 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Adding the 「も」 particle to express excessive amounts  
パリに 行[い]ったことはありますか。 Have you ever gone to Paris? (polite) 068 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「こと」 to say whether something has happened  
そろそろ 遅[おそ]くなっちゃうよ。 It'll gradually become late , you know. 062 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using the casual version of 「~てしまう」  
そういう 食[た]べ 方[かた]は 体[からだ]によくないよ。 Eating in that way is not good for your body. 198 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 to express a way to do something  
今日[きょう]、 田中[たなか]さんはこないの?/こないらしい。 Is Tanaka-san not coming today? / Seems like he's not coming ( based on what I heard ). 175 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing hearsay or behavior using 「~らしい」  
お 手洗[てあら]いはこのビルの二 階[かい]にございます。 The bathroom is in the second floor of this building. 037 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Other substitutions  
このピザはお 好み焼[このみや]きみたいじゃない? Doesn't this pizza looks like okonomiyaki ? 155 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Using 「みたい」 to say something looks like something else - not a i-adjective.  
そんなに 飲[の]まなかった 方[ほう]がよかった。 It was bett er not to have drunk that much. 189 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons - non-negative verbs are past tense  
日本語[にほんご]は 読[よ]みづらいな。 Man, Japanese is hard to read . 213 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Variations of 「~にくい」 with 「~がたい」 and 「~づらい」 - use 「~づらい」 in a more course way.  
半分[はんぶん]しか 食[た]べてないままで 捨[す]てちゃ 駄目[だめ]! You can't throw it out leaving it half-eaten like that ! 258 Special Expressions - Leaving something the way it is - Using 「まま」 to express a lack of change  
寝[ね]る 時間[じかん]がないほど 忙[いそが]しい。 Busy to the extent that there's no time to sleep. 136 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something  
季節[きせつ]によって 果物[くだもの]は 美味[おい]しくなったり、 不味[まず]くなったりする。 Fruit becomes tasty or nasty depending on the season . 202 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「によって」 to express dependency  
大[おお]きすぎるからトランクに 入[はい]らないぞ。 It won't fit in the trunk cause it's too big , man. 127 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Saying there's too much of something using 「すぎる」  
あいつに二 時間[じかん]も 待[ま]たせられた。 I was made to wait 2 hours by that guy. 021 Special Expressions - Causative and Passive Verbs - Causative-Passive Forms  
こちらは、 私[わたし]の 部屋[へや]です。 Over here is my room . (polite/non-humble example) 034 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Other substitutions  
ゲームに 嵌[はま]まっちゃって、 最近[さいきん]パソコンを 使[つか]いまくっているよ。 Having gotten hooked by games, I do nothing but use the computer lately. 255 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - To repeat something with reckless abandon using 「まくる」  
その 人[ひと]は 学生[がくせい]だろう。 That person is probably student. 168 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」 - This grammar does not work with plain nouns  
この 歌[うた]だけを 歌[うた]わなかった。 Didn't sing just this song. 098 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indicating that's all there is using 「だけ」 - with other particles  
これだけ 見[み]ない。 Don't see just this. 108 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」  
宿題[しゅくだい]をしないで、 授業[じゅぎょう]に 行[い]くのは、やめた 方[ほう]がいいよ。 It's better to stop going to class without doing homework . 217 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - Doing something without doing something else - ないで  
毎日[まいにち] 会[あ]いに 行[い]ったそうです。 I heard he went to meet everyday. 172 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing hearsay using 「~そうだ」  
最近[さいきん]は 仕事[しごと]ばっかだよ。 Lately, it's nothing but work. (shortened) 124 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Expressing the opposite of 「だけ」 with 「ばかり」  
金魚[きんぎょ]がもう 死[し]んじゃった。 The goldfish died already (oops) . 059 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using the casual version of 「~てしまう」  
こうなったら、もうやるっきゃない! If things turn out like this, there's nothing to do but to just do it ! 118 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」- 「っきゃ」, an alternative to 「しか」  
もう 腐[くさ]っているから、 捨[す]てるしかないよ。 It's rotten already so there's nothing to do but throw it out . 116 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」 - with verbs  
彼[かれ]との 忘[わす]れがたい 思い出[おもいで]を 大切[たいせつ]にしている。 I am treating importantly the hard to forget memories of and with him. 211 Special Expressions - Saying something is easy or difficult to do - Variations of 「~にくい」 with 「~がたい」 and 「~づらい」 - use 「~がたい」 with less physical actions  
このままで 宜[よろ]しいですか? Is it ok just like this ? 257 Special Expressions - Leaving something the way it is - Using 「まま」 to express a lack of change  
その 格好[かっこう]のままでクラブに 入[い]れないよ。 You can't get in the club in that getup (without changing it) . 260 Special Expressions - Leaving something the way it is - Using 「まま」 to express a lack of change  
先生[せんせい]、お 聞[き]きしたいことがありますが。 Teacher, there's something I want to ask you. 045 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Humble Form Conjugation: お + stem + する  
キムさんより 鈴木[すずき]さんの 方[ほう]が 若[わか]い。 Suzuki-san is young er than Kim-san . (lit: The way of Suzuki is young as opposed to Kim-san.) 192 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「より」 for comparisons  
どちらからいらっしゃいましたか。 Where did you come from? 029 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Examples of honorific form  
毎日[まいにち]ケーキを 食[た]べて、2キロ 太[ふと]ってしまいました。 I ate cake everyday and I (unintentionally) gained two kilograms. (polite) 054 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using 「しまう」 with other verbs  
明日[あした]も 雨[あめ]でしょう。 Probably rain tomorrow too. 086 Special Expressions - Expressing various levels of certainty - Using 「でしょう」 to express a fair amount of certainty (polite)  
勉強[べんきょう]をすればするほど、 頭[あたま]がよくなるよ。 The more you study , the more you will become smarter. 139 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something - use with conditional verbs  
皆[みな]で、もう 全部[ぜんぶ] 食[た]べてしまったっぽいよ。 It appears that everybody ate everything already. 180 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - 「っぽい」: Slang expression of similarity  
結局[けっきょく]、 嫌[いや]なことをさせてしまった。 In the end, I (unintentionally) made [someone] do something distasteful. 056 Special Expressions - Things that happen unintentionally - Using 「しまう」 with other verbs  
韓国[かんこく] 料理[りょうり]は 食[た]べれば 食[た]べるほど、おいしくなる。 About Korean food, the more you eat the tastier it becomes. 137 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something - use with conditional verbs  
こちらにご 覧[らん] 下[くだ]さい。 Please look this way. 042 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Using 「ください」 with honorifics - Similar to 「ご覧になる」  
そういうのを 見[み]たことがなかった。 I had never seen anything like that. 072 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「こと」 to say whether something has happened  
これしか 見[み]ない。 Don't see anything else but this. 109 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」  
直美[なおみ]ちゃんと 遊[あそ]ぶばっかりでしょう! You're hanging out with Naomi-chan all the time , aren't you! 123 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Expressing the opposite of 「だけ」 with 「ばかり」  
いくら 英語[えいご]を 勉強[べんきょう]しても、うまくならないの。/つまり、 語学[ごがく]には、 能力[のうりょく]がないという 訳[わけ]か。/ 失礼[しつれい]ね。 No matter how much I study, I don't become better at English. / So basically, it means that you don't have ability at language. / How rude. 228 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Coming to a conclusion with 「わけ」訳  
いらっしゃい! Please come in! (middle aged sushi chef ie abbreviated) 049 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Making honorific requests  
ちょっと 怒[おこ]ったように 聞[き]こえた。 Was able to hear it like (she) was a little mad . 151 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing similarity with よう (様) - attaching に for targets  
あの 子[こ]は 子供[こども]らしくない。 That child does not act like a child . 177 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing hearsay or behavior using 「~らしい」  
テレビを 観[み]ながら、 宿題[しゅくだい]をする。 Do homework while watching TV. 246 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 for two concurrent actions  
今[いま]から 行[い]くとしたら、9 時[じ]に 着[つ]くと 思[おも]います。 If we suppose that we go from now, I think we will arrive at 9:00. 236 Special Expressions - Hypothesizing and Concluding - Making hypotheses with 「とする」  
この 仕事[しごと]は 誰[だれ]よりも 早[はや]く 出来[でき]ます。 Can do this job more quickly than anyone else . 196 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「より」 for comparisons - Using 「より」 as a superlative with question words  
あの 人[ひと]は 何[なに]なの?/ 美由紀[みゆき]さんの 友達[ともだち]らしいですよ。 What is that person over there? / Seems to be Miyuki-san's friend (based on what I heard). 176 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Expressing hearsay or behavior using 「~らしい」  
これから 行[い]くところでした。 I was just about to go from now. (polite) 077 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「ところ」 as an abstract place, time or characteristic  
歯[は]を 磨[みが]かないで、 学校[がっこう]に 行[い]っちゃいました。 Went to school without brushing teeth (by accident). 216 Special Expressions - More negative verbs - Doing something without doing something else - ないで  
アリスさん、もう 召し上[めしあ]がりましたか。 Alice-san, did [you] eat already? 026 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Examples of honorific form  
今日[きょう]は 飲[の]みに 行[い]こうか?/それは、 裕子[ゆうこ]によるね。 Shall we go drinking today? / That depends on Yuuko . 203 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「によって」 to express dependency - just a te-form of よる  
今年[ことし]、十キロも 太[ふと]っちゃった! I gained 10 whole kilograms this year! 134 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Adding the 「も」 particle to express excessive amounts  
iPodは、ハードディスクの 容量[ようりょう]が 大[おお]きければ 大[おお]きいほどもっとたくさんの 曲[きょく]が 保存[ほぞん]できます。 About iPod, the larger the hard disk capacity, the more songs you can save. 140 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Using 「ほど」 to express the extent of something - use with conditional i-adjectives  
その 人[ひと]は 学生[がくせい]でしょう。 That person is probably student. 167 Special Expressions - Various ways to express similarity and hearsay - Guessing at an outcome using 「~そう」 - This grammar does not work with plain nouns  
早[はや]くきて。 映画[えいが]は、 今[いま]ちょうど 良[よ]いところだよ。 Come quickly. We're at the good part of the movie, you know. 074 Special Expressions - Special Expressionss with generic nouns. - Using 「ところ」 as an abstract place, time or characteristic  
昼[ひる]ご 飯[はん]を 食[た]べたばっかなのに、もうお 腹[なか]が 空[あ]いた。 Despite the fact that I just ate lunch , I'm hungry already. 243 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Expressing an action that was just completed using 「~ばかり」 - casual  
これだけ 見[み]る。 See just this. 107 Special Expressions - Expressing amounts - Indication that there's nothing else using 「しか」  
今日[きょう]は、どちらへいらっしゃいますか。 Where are you going today? 030 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Examples of honorific form  
赤[あか]ちゃんは、 静[しず]かな 方[ほう]が 好[す]き。 Like quiet babies more. (lit: About babies, the quiet way is desirable.) 185 Special Expressions - Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions. - Using 「方」 for comparisons - use like a noun  
私[わたし]はキムと 申[もう]します。 As for me, [people] say Kim. (I am called Kim.) 031 Special Expressions - Honorific and Humble Forms - Examples of humble form  
ポップコーンを 食[た]べながら、 映画[えいが]を 観[み]た。 Watched movie while eating popcorn. 250 Special Expressions - Expressing time-specific actions - Using 「ながら」 for two concurrent actions - tense determined by final verb.  
窓[まど]が 開けっ放[あけっぱな]しだったので、 蚊[か]が一 杯[はい] 入[はい]った。 The window was left wide open so a lot of mosquitoes got in. 262 Special Expressions - Leaving something the way it is - Using 「っぱなし」 to leave something the way it is  

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