
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 0


Capture Collect what has your attention Use an in-tray, notepad, digital list, or voice recorder to capture everything that has your attention. Little, big, personal and professional—all your to-do’s, projects, things to handle or finish.  
Clarify Process what it means Take everything that you capture and ask: Is it actionable? If no, then trash it, incubate it, or Þle it as reference. If yes, decide the very next action required. If it will take less than two minutes, do it now. If not, delegate it if you can; or put it on a list to do when you can.  
Organize Put it where it belongs Put action reminders on the right lists. For example, create lists for the appropriate categories—calls to make, errands to run, emails to send, etc.  
Reflect Review frequently Look over your lists as often as necessary to trust your choices about what to do next. Do a weekly review to get clear, get current, and get creative.  
Engage Simply do Use your system to take appropriate actions with conÞdence.  

Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.