HTML5 tags
Popularity (by total correct streak): 17
Popularity (by number of users): 2
a | hyperlink | |
abbr | abbreviation | |
address | contact information | |
area | image-map hyperlink | |
article | article | |
aside | tangential content | |
audio | audio stream | |
b | offset text conventionally styled in bold | |
base | base URL | |
bdi | BiDi isolate | |
bdo | BiDi override | |
blockquote | block quotation | |
body | document body | |
br | line break | |
button | button | |
button type=submit | submit button | |
button type=reset | reset button | |
button type=button | button with no additional semantics | |
canvas | canvas for dynamic graphics | |
caption | table title | |
cite | cited title of a work | |
code | code fragment | |
col | table column | |
colgroup | table column group | |
command | command | |
command type=command | command with an associated action | |
command type=radio | selection of one item from a list of items | |
command type=checkbox | state or option that can be toggled | |
datalist | predefined options for other controls | |
dd | description or value | |
del | deleted text | |
details | control for additional on-demand information | |
dfn | defining instance | |
div | generic flow container | |
dl | description list | |
dt | term or name | |
em | emphatic stress | |
embed | integration point for plugins | |
fieldset | set of related form controls | |
figcaption | figure caption | |
figure | figure with optional caption | |
footer | footer | |
form | user-submittable form | |
h1 | heading | |
h2 | heading | |
h3 | heading | |
h4 | heading | |
h5 | heading | |
h6 | heading | |
head | document metadata container | |
header | header | |
hgroup | heading group | |
hr | thematic break | |
html | root element | |
i | offset text conventionally styled in italic | |
iframe | nested browsing context (inline frame) | |
img | image | |
input | input control | |
input type=text | text-input field | |
input type=password | password-input field | |
input type=checkbox | checkbox | |
input type=radio | radio button | |
input type=button | button | |
input type=submit | submit button | |
input type=reset | reset button | |
input type=file | file upload control | |
input type=hidden | hidden input control | |
input type=image | image-coordinates input control | |
input type=datetime | global date-and-time input control | |
input type=datetime-local | local date-and-time input control | |
input type=date | date input control | |
input type=month | year-and-month input control | |
input type=time | time input control | |
input type=week | year-and-week input control | |
input type=number | number input control | |
input type=range | imprecise number-input control | |
input type=email | e-mail address input control | |
input type=url | URL input control | |
input type=search | search field | |
input type=tel | telephone-number-input field | |
input type=color | color-well control | |
ins | inserted text | |
kbd | user input | |
keygen | key-pair generator/input control | |
label | caption for a form control | |
legend | title or explanatory caption | |
li | list item | |
link | inter-document relationship metadata | |
map | image-map definition | |
mark | marked (highlighted) text | |
menu | list of commands | |
meta | metadata | |
meta name | name-value metadata | |
meta http-equiv=refresh | “refresh” pragma directive | |
meta http-equiv=default-style | “preferred stylesheet” pragma directive | |
meta charset | document character-encoding declaration | |
meta http-equiv=content-type | document character-encoding declaration | |
meter | scalar gauge | |
nav | group of navigational links | |
noscript | fallback content for script | |
object | generic external content | |
ol | ordered list | |
optgroup | group of options | |
option | option | |
output | result of a calculation in a form | |
p | paragraph | |
param | initialization parameters for plugins | |
pre | preformatted text | |
progress | progress indicator | |
q | quoted text | |
rp | ruby parenthesis | |
rt | ruby text | |
ruby | ruby annotation | |
s | struck text | |
samp | (sample) output | |
script | embedded script | |
section | section | |
select | option-selection form control | |
small | small print | |
source | media source | |
span | generic span | |
strong | strong importance | |
style | style (presentation) information | |
sub | subscript | |
summary | summary, caption, or legend for a details control | |
sup | superscript | |
table | table | |
tbody | table row group | |
td | table cell | |
textarea | text input area | |
tfoot | table footer row group | |
th | table header cell | |
thead | table heading group | |
time | date and/or time | |
title | document title | |
tr | table row | |
track | supplementary media track | |
u | offset text conventionally styled with an underline | |
ul | unordered list | |
var | variable or placeholder text | |
video | video | |
wbr | line-break opportunity |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.