Popularity (by total correct streak): 126
Popularity (by number of users): 1
A or Ax | Axillary (armpit temp.) | |
AROM | Active Range of Motion | |
a.c. | Before meals | |
ADL | Activities of daily living | |
ad lib | At Liberty | |
AEB | As evidenced by | |
A.M. | Midnight to 12 noon | |
B&B | Bowel and pladder program | |
b.i.d. | Twice a day | |
BKA | Below Knee Amputation | |
BM | Bowel movement | |
BP | Blood pressure | |
BRP | Bathroom privileges | |
c̅ | with | |
c.c | Cubic centimeter | |
C/O | Complains of | |
CMS | Color, circulation, motion, sensitivity | |
CVA | Stroke | |
DAT | Diet as tolerated | |
DNR | Do not resuscitate | |
h./hr | Hour | |
H2O | Water | |
HOB | Head of bed | |
HOH | Hard of hearing | |
h.s | Bedtime/hour of sleep | |
Ht | Height | |
I&O | Intake and output | |
MI | Myocardial infarction | |
Na | Sodium | |
NKA | No known allergies | |
NPO | Nothing by mouth | |
O | Oral | |
O2 | Oxygen | |
OT | Occupational Therapy | |
Oz | Ounce= 30 cc | |
p.c | After meals | |
Peri | Perineal | |
P.M. | 12 noon to midnight | |
PT | physical therapy | |
p.r.n | as needed | |
PROM | Passive range of motion | |
Px | Physical examination | |
q | Every | |
q.d | Every day | |
q.h | Every hour | |
q.4.h | Every 4 hours | |
q.i.d | Four times a day | |
R | Rectal | |
Rt | Right | |
SBA | Stand by assist | |
Sx | Symptoms | |
w/o, s̄ | Without | |
SOB | Shortness of breath | |
stat | Immediately | |
TC & DB | Turn cough and Deep breath | |
t.i.d | Three times a day | |
TPR | Temperature, pulse, and respiration | |
Tx | Treatment | |
V.S | Vital sign | |
W/C | Wheelchair | |
Wt | Weight | |
← | Less than | |
→ | Greater than | |
Greater than | → | |
Less than | ← | |
Weight | Wt | |
Wheelchair | W/C | |
Vital sign | V.S | |
Treatment | Tx | |
Temperature, pulse, and respiration | TPR | |
Three times a day | t.i.d | |
Turn cough and Deep breath | TC & DB | |
Immediately | stat | |
Shortness of breath | SOB | |
Without | w/o, s̄ | |
Symptoms | Sx | |
Stand by assist | SBA | |
Right | Rt | |
Rectal | R | |
Four times a day | q.i.d | |
Every 4 hours | q.4.h | |
Every hour | q.h | |
Every day | q.d | |
Every | q | |
Physical examination | Px | |
Passive range of motion | PROM | |
As needed | p.r.n | |
Physical therapy | PT | |
12 noon to midnight | P.M | |
Perineal | Peri | |
After meals | p.c | |
Ounce=30 cc | Oz | |
Occupational therapy | OT | |
Oxygen | O2 | |
Oral | O | |
Nothing by mouth | NPO | |
No known allergies | NKA | |
Sodium | NA | |
Myocardial infarction | MI | |
Intake and Output | I&O | |
Height | Ht | |
Bedtime/hour of sleep | h.s | |
Hard of hearing | HOH | |
Head of bed | HOB | |
Water | H2O | |
Hour | h./hr | |
Do not resuscitate | DNR | |
Diet as tolerated | DAT | |
Stroke | CVA | |
Color, circulation, motion, sensitivity | CMS | |
Complains of | C/O | |
With | c̄ | |
Bathroom privileges | BRP | |
Blood pressure | BP | |
Bowel movement | BM | |
Below Knee Amputation | BKA | |
Twice a day | b.i.d | |
Bowel and bladder program | B&B | |
Midnight to 12 noon | A.M. | |
As evidenced by | AEB | |
At liberty | ad lib | |
Activities of daily living | ADL | |
Before Meals | a.c. | |
Active range of motion | AROM | |
Axillary (armpit temp.) | A or Ax | |
Cubic centimeter | c.c |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.