Dead balls - immediate or delayed
Popularity (by total correct streak): 27
Popularity (by number of users): 1
Illegal pitch | Immediate - ball | |
HBP | Immediate - batter +1 | |
Pitch touches runner | Immediate - all runners +1 | |
Illegally batted ball | Immediate - batter out, runners return | |
Intentional double-hit ball | Immediate - batter out, runners return | |
Uncaught foul | Immediate - runners return to bases occupied at time of pitch | |
Interference by runner or retired runner | Immediate - Interferer is out, and one more when DP prevented | |
Interference with fielder by runner on foul fly | Immediate - Batter out, runner out when DP prevented | |
Interference by others connected with team | Immediate - Runner is out, other runners return | |
Fair ball over fence in flight, or prevented by spectator or detached equipment/illegal glove | Immediate - +4 | |
Fair ball touches spectator | Immediate - award/penalize per judgment | |
Fair ball OOP or lodged | Immediate - all runners +2 from pitch | |
Fair ball touches runner* | Immediate - Hit runner is out, batter awarded 1B, other runners return | |
Fair batted ball touches upmire* | Immediate - batter awarded 1B, others return unless forced | |
Thrown ball goes OOP | Immediate - all runners +2 | |
Pitch or throw by pitcher from plate OOP or lodged | Immediate - all runners +1 | |
Umpire handles ball | Immediate - runners return | |
Fair or foul ball caught and carried OOP | Immediate - all runners +1, unless caught for 3rd out | |
Infielder intentional drop* | Immediate - batter out, runners return | |
Balk | Immediate - all runners +1 | |
Umpire gives "do not pitch" signal | Immediate | |
IBB | Immediate - batter awarded 1B | |
Batter enters box with illegal bat | Immediate - Batter is out, coach restricted, then ejected | |
Batter refuses to enter box | Immediate - Strike | |
Interference by batter who hits throw from pitcher* | Immediate - Runner is out, unless 2 outs, then batter | |
Ball touches media area | Immediate - +2 on fair batted ball or non-pitcher throw, +1 on pitcher throw/pitch | |
Defensive Malicious Contact | Immediate - umpire's judgment on ruling and awards | |
Batter contacts the catcher prior to pitch | Immediate - no penalty | |
Interference by batter (not at home) | Delayed | |
Interference by batter (play at home, not hitting throw) | Delayed | |
Obstruction with batter by catcher or fielder | Delayed | |
Obstruction | Delayed | |
Touching batted ball with detached equipment | Delayed | |
Touching thrown ball with detached equipment | Delayed | |
Offensive attempts to cause balk | Delayed - Runners return, eject offender | |
Interference with catcher by upmire | Delayed | |
Removing helmet in live ball area during live ball | Delayed | |
Use of illegal glove | Delayed |
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