vocab for my english class
Popularity (by total correct streak): 1371
Popularity (by number of users): 245
Admonish | to caution or advise against something, mildly scold | |
Breach | an opening or gap, rupture, rift | |
Brigand | A bandit, robber | |
Circumspect | careful, cautious | |
Commandeer | to seize for military use | |
cumbersome | clumsy | |
deadlock | a standstill | |
debris | wreckage | |
diffuse | to spread or to scatter freely | |
efface | to wipe out | |
muddle | to make a mess of | |
opinionated | stubborn and unreasonable | |
perennial | lasting a long time | |
predispose | to incline to beforehand | |
relinquish | to let go | |
salvage | to save from fire or shipwreck | |
spasmodic | sudden and violent but brief | |
spurious | not genuine | |
unbridled | uncontrolled | |
adjourn | to stop precedings temporarily | |
alien | a citizen of another country | |
comely | having a pleasing appearance | |
compensate | to make up for | |
dissolute | loose in ones morals | |
erratic | not regular or consistent | |
expulsion | the process of driving out | |
feint | deliberately deceptive movement | |
fodder | food for horses | |
fortify | to strengthen | |
illegible | difficult to read | |
jeer | to make fun of rudely | |
lucrative | bringing in money | |
mediocre | average, ordinary | |
proliferate | to increase or spread rapidly | |
subjugate | to conquer by force | |
sully | to soil, stain | |
tantalize | to tease | |
terse | brief | |
unflinching | firm, no signs of fear | |
abridge | to make shorter | |
adherent | follower or supporter- attached, sticking to | |
altercation | angry argument | |
cherubic | angelic | |
condone | to overlook | |
dissent | to disagree | |
eminent | famous, outstanding | |
exorcise | to drive out by magic | |
fabricate | to make or manufacture | |
irate | angry | |
marauder | raider or plunderer | |
obesity | excessive fatness | |
pauper | extremely poor person | |
pilfer | to steal in small amounts | |
rift | to split | |
semblance | a likeness | |
surmount | to overcome | |
terminate | to bring to an end | |
trite | overused, stale | |
usurp | to seize and hold a position by force or without right | |
abscond | to run off and hide | |
access | admittance to places and special things | |
anarchy | lack of government | |
arduous | hard to do | |
auspicious | favorable | |
biased | favoring one side | |
daunt | to overcome with fear | |
disentangle | to free from tangles | |
fated | determined in advance | |
hoodwink | to mislead by trick | |
inanimate | not having life | |
incinerate | to burn to ashes | |
intrepid | very brave | |
larceny | theft | |
pliant | easily influenced | |
pompous | overly self important in speech and manor | |
precipice | very steep cliff | |
rectify | to make right | |
reprieve | temporary relief or delay | |
revile | to attack with words | |
accomplice | person who takes part in crime | |
annihilate | to destroy completely | |
arbritrary | unreasonable | |
brazen | made of brass, shameless | |
catalyst | substance that causes/hastens a chemical reaction | |
exodus | large scale departure/flight | |
facilitate | to make easier | |
incorrigable | beyond control | |
latent | hidden | |
militant | given to fighting | |
morose | having a gloomy or sullen manor | |
opaque | not letting light through | |
paramount | chief in importance | |
prattle | to take in an aimless, foolish, or simple way | |
rebut | a rebuttle (fight back) | |
reprimand | to scold | |
servitude | slavery, forced labor | |
slapdash | careless and hasty | |
stagnant | inactive, sluggish, dull | |
succumb | to give way to superior force |
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