Narrating In The Present
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 2
Ahorrar (Dinero/Tiempo) | To Save (Money/Time) | |
Alquilar (Videos) | To Rent ( Movies) | |
Charlar | To Chat | |
Cuidar (a) ninos | To Baby-Sit | |
Dibujar | To draw | |
Eschuchar Musica | To Listen to music | |
Faltar (a clase/al trabajo) | To be absent (from class/work) | |
Flirtear/coquetar | To Flirt | |
Gastar (dinero) | To spend (money) | |
Mirar (la) television | To watch TV | |
Pasar la noche en vela | To Pull an All-nighter | |
Pasear al perro | To Walk The Dog | |
Probar (O-UE) | To Taste/ To Try | |
Sacar buena/mala nota | To Get good/bad grade | |
Trasnochar | To Stay Up all night | |
Devolver (O-UE) | To return (something) | |
Escoger | To Choose | |
Hacer Investigacion/dieta | To do Research/ To be on a diet | |
Poder ( O-UE) | To be able to, can | |
Soler (O-UE) + infinitive | To Usually Do + Verb | |
Volver ( O-UE) | To Return | |
Asistir (a clase/ a una reunion) | To attend (class/ a meeting) | |
Compartir | To Share | |
Contribuir | To Contribute | |
Discutir | To Argue : To Discuss | |
Mentir ( e-ie,i) | to lie | |
Salir bien/mal ( en un examen) | To do well/poorly ( On an exam) | |
Seguir ( Instrucciones/ a +alguien) e-i | to follow ( instructions, someone) | |
acostarse ( O-UE) | To go to bed | |
afeitarse (la barba, las piernas) | To Shave | |
arreglarse | To make oneself presentable | |
banarse | To Bath | |
cepillarse (el pelo/ los dientes) | To Brush ( Hair, Teeth) | |
despertarse (e-ie) | To Wake Up | |
Desvestirse(e-i, i) | To undress | |
dormir (O-UE, U) | To Sleep | |
ducharse | To Shower | |
Lavarse ( el pelo/ las manos) | To wash | |
Maquillarse | To Put on Make Up | |
Peinarse | To Comb | |
Ponerse la camisa/ la falda | To Put on a shirt | |
Prepararse ( para) | To Prepare Oneself | |
Probarse ropa (o-ue) | To try on clothes | |
quitarse la camisa/ la falda | To Take of a shirt | |
secarse ( el pelo) | To Dry off | |
Sentarse | To sit down | |
Vestirse | To get dress | |
aburrirse | to become bored ( with) | |
acordarse (O-UE) | to remember | |
caerse | to fall down | |
callarse | to shut up | |
darse cuenta ( de) | to realize | |
despedir (de) ( E-I,I) | to say good-by (to) | |
divertirse ( E-ie) | to have fun | |
enfadarse/enojarse | to get mad | |
equivocarse | to make a mistake | |
interersarse (por) | to be interested in something | |
irse (de) | to go away from ( to leave) | |
Olvidarse ( de) | to forget | |
preocuparse | to worry about/ to take care of | |
quejarse (de) | to complain about | |
reirse( e-i) | to laugh at | |
sentirse ( e-ie) | to feel | |
ir a una disco (discoteca)/ ir a bailar | to go to a club/to go dancing | |
sacar a bailar alguien | to ask someone to dance | |
pasar tiempo con alguien | to hang out with someone | |
pedir algo de tomar | to order something to drink | |
ir a un bar | to go to a bar/ cafe | |
ir al cine | to go to the movies | |
ir a un concierto | to go to a concert | |
sacar/comprar entradas | to get/to buy tickets | |
sentarse en la primera fila | to sit in the front seat | |
ir detras del escenario | to go backstage | |
el revendedor | scalper | |
ir a los videojuegos | to go to the video arcade | |
dejar plantado/ a alguien | to stand someone up | |
ligar | to pick someone up ( at a bar, club) | |
pasear a buscar/recoger a alguien | to pick some up at home | |
pasear con el auto | to go cruising | |
quedar a una hora con alquien | to meet at an agreed upon time | |
reunirse/juntarse con amigos | to get together with friends | |
salir a dar una vuelta | to go cruising/ for a ride/ for a walk | |
tener un contratiempo | to have a delay ( that causes one to be late) | |
llamarle la atencion | to attract someone's attention | |
ser un pesado | to be a bore |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.