French cards for my first quiz in French year 1
Popularity (by total correct streak): 782
Popularity (by number of users): 46
Bonjour! | Hello! | |
Salut! | Hello! (inf) | |
Ca va? | How are you? | |
Oui, ca va bien | I'm well (I'm fine) | |
Pas mal | Not bad | |
Comme ci, comme ca | Okay; not too bad; so-so | |
Mal | Not good; Bad | |
Au revoir | Good-bye | |
A bientot | See you soon | |
A tout a l'heure | See you in a bit; See you later | |
A demain | See you tomorrow | |
Je m'appelle... | My name is... | |
Comment vous appelez-vous? | What's your name? (formal) | |
Comment t'appelles-tu? | What's your name? (informal) | |
Je vous (te) presente... | This is... | |
Enchante(e) | Pleased to meet you | |
Commet allez-vous? | How are you (formal) | |
Commet vas-tu? | How are you (informal) | |
Et vous? | And you? (formal) | |
Et tu? | And you? (informal) | |
Je vais... | I am... (formal) | |
S'il vous plait | Please | |
Merci | Thanks | |
Merci bien | Thank you very much | |
De rien | You're welcome | |
Il n'y a pas de quoi | You're welcome | |
Algerien(ne) | Algerian | |
Anglais(e) | English | |
Americain(e) | American | |
Canadien(ne) | Canadian | |
Francais(e) | French | |
Marocain(e) | Moroccan | |
Martiniquais(e) | from Martinique | |
Mexicain(e) | Mexican | |
Quebecois(e) | from Quebec | |
Seneglais(e) | Senegalese | |
Suisse | Swiss | |
Vietnamien(ne) | Vietnamese | |
Qui est-ce? | Who is it? | |
C'est | That's... It's... | |
Voici | Here is | |
Voila | There is | |
J'adore... | I love... | |
J'aime bien... | I like... | |
J'e n'aime pas tellement... | I don't really like... | |
Je deteste... | I hate... | |
detester | to dislike, to hate | |
diner | to have dinner | |
jouer (au tennis) | to play... | |
parler | to talk | |
regarder | to look at | |
rentrer | to return | |
telephoner | to call | |
travailler | to work | |
visiter | to visit (a place) | |
d | to, at, in | |
de | from, of, about | |
avec | with | |
pour | for | |
et | and | |
ou | or | |
mis | but | |
aimer | to like, to love | |
ariver | to arrive | |
ecouter | to listen to | |
etudier | to study | |
habiter (a) | to live (in) | |
inviter | to invite |
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