The Third Dimension

Popularity (by total correct streak): 9
Popularity (by number of users): 1


What do you click to convert a group to 3D? Click the 2D/3D icon in the status column in the Layers tab.  
How do you access the Z coordinate fields for parameters such as Transform>Position in the Inspector? Click the disclosure triangle next to the parameter to reveal the inidividual coordinate fields.  
What does dragging the red, green, or blue 3D axis handles (arrows) do to an object when the Adjust 3D Transform tool is active? Dragging the red arrow moves an object along the X-axis, green along the Y-axis, and blue along the Z-axis.  
Whenever using the HUD to move an object in 3D space, name one parameter you should be aware of. Adjust around. A setting of World Axis may move an object in a different direction than a setting of Local Axis.  

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