Creating Text Effects

Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Name three properties of text that you can modify in the HUD. In the HUD, you can adjust a text's font family, typeface, Size, Tracking, Opacity, Blend Mode, and Alignment.  
What are the four text attributes that you can modify in the Style Pane of the Text Tab? Face, Outline, Glow, and Drop Shadow.  
After you've created and styled a text layer, parameters from which two panes of the Text tab can be saved into a preset in the Text Styles category of the Library? You can save attributes from the Format Pane, Style Pane, or both.  
Identify 2 ways to apply a text behavior to a text Layer. Drag the preset from the Library to the text layer in the Layers tab or the Canvas; or, with the text layer selected, choose a preset from the menus accessed through the Add Behavior icon in the Toolbar.  
Which Behavior was used to create all the text behaviors in the Text Sequence folder of the Library and where is it located? The Sequence Text Behavior was used. It's located in the Text Animation folder.  
How do you enable the Path Options in the Layout pane of the Text tab? Set the Layout Method to Path.  
Can you animate text in 3D with behaviors? Yes, you can use the preset behaviors in the Text-3D Move folder, located in the Text Sequence category of behaviors in the Library, or you can create your own 3D animation with the Sequence Text behavior or keyframes.  

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