Making animated patterns with the Replicator

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Popularity (by number of users): 1


Name three types of objects that can be replicated You can replicate just about anything, including content you add, such images and Quicktime movies, and content you create in Motion, such as text shapes and generators. Groups of layers can also be replicated.  
What other behavior works similarly to the Sequence Replicator Behavior? The Sequence Text Behavior. Both create animation that flows through the object, be it text or a pattern.  
What two changes to the Replicator are required to make replicator cells spread out in 3D space? In the Replicator tab of the Inspector, select the 3D checkbox; then choose either Box or Sphere from the Shape parameter's pop-up menu.  
Name two camera behaviors that are useful for moving a camera around and through layers. The Sweep and Dolly behaviors.  
Describe the two steps that are needed to use a replicator as an image mask for a layer. First, select the target layer and choose Object > Add Image Mask. Second, drag the Replicator layer to the Mask Source well in the HUD.  

Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.