Brain Vasculature

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Popularity (by number of users): 3


Explain the key relationship of CN III to the arterial supply on the ventral surface of the brain. Between posterior cerebral and the superior cerebellar artery .  
Explain the key relationship of CN V to the arterial supply on the ventral surface of the brain. Runs under middle cerebral artery.  
Explain the key relationship of CN VI to the arterial supply on the ventral surface of the brain. Between AICA and Labyrinthine, comes off the basilar and perfuses the cochlea and vestibular apparatus.  
Explain the key relationship of CN VII to the arterial supply on the ventral surface of the brain. Runs under AICA.  
Explain the key relationship of CN X to the arterial supply on the ventral surface of the brain. Runs over PICA.  
Explain the key relationship of CN IX & CN X to the arterial supply on the ventral surface of the brain. Receive some blood from PICA.  
Identify the key areas of the brain that are supplied by the anterior cerebral artery. Medial surfaces of cerebral hemispheres (frontal & parietal lobes, part of basal ganglia, corpus callosum).  
Identify the key areas of the brain that are supplied by the middle cerebral artery. Lateral surface of cerebral hemispheres (frontal, parietal, & temporal lobes, inferior surface of frontal & temporal lobes).  
Identify the key areas of the brain that are supplied by the posterior cerebral artery. Medial & inferior surface of temporal and occipital lobes, thalamus and hypothalamus.  
Identify the key areas of the brain that are supplied by the basilar artery. Brainstem (pons, midbrain, medulla), anterior, inferior, & superior portions of the cerebellum.  
Discuss the result of the blockage or rupture of the anterior cerebral artery. Severe hemiplegia (esp. contralateral LE), sensory loss over the contralateral LE, personality changes, urinary incontinence, apraxia.  
Discuss the result of the blockage or rupture of the middle cerebral artery. Most common site of occlusion, if at origin=severe/fatal, contralateral hemiplegia/hemiparesis/hemiparesthesia in UE or face, homonymous hemianopia, corticospinal, coricobulbar, extrapyramidal tracts often involved.  
Discuss the result of a right occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Dyspraxis/apraxia, neglect syndromes.  
Discuss the result of a left occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Motor and sensory speech problems (aphasia).  
Discuss the result of the blockage or rupture of the posterior cerebral artery. Homonymous hemianopia, memory loss, thalamic pain syndrome, contralateral hemianesthesia, hemichorea, central pain.  
Discuss the result of the blockage or rupture of the basilar & vertebral arteries. Locked-in syndrome, paralysis of all extremities, disturbances in sensation, difficulty swallowing and in respiration.  

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