Cranial Nerve Info

Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 1


What is the parasympathetic component of CN III? Edinger-Westphal nucleus  
What is the parasympathetic component of CN VII? Superior Salivatory nucleus  
What is the parasympathetic component of CN IX? Inferior Salivatory nucleus  
What is the parasympathetic component of CN X? Dorsal nucleus, Nucleus Ambiguus  
What brainstem nuclei are in the midbrain? III Oculomotor: Occulomotor nucleus & Edinger-Westphal nucleus, IV Trochlear: Trochlear nucleus  
What brainstem nuclei are in the pons? V Trigeminal: One motor, three sensory nuclei, VI Abducens: Abducens nucleus, VII Facial: Motor nucleus, Superior Salivatory Nucleus, Solitary nucleus  
What brainstem nuclei are in the medulla? IX Glossopharyngeal: Nucleus Ambiguus, Solitary nucleus, Inferior Salivatory nucleus, X Vagus: Dorsal Motor nucleus, Nucleus Ambiguus, Solitary nucleus  
Explain the light reflex both direct and indirect/consensual. Involves CN II & III, light into right eye = right pupil constricts = direct light reflex, light into right eye = left pupil constricts = consensual light reflex.  
Explain the accommodation-convergence reflex of the eye. Involves CN II & III, accommodation results in a change in the shape of the lens and restriction of light entering pupil, convergence moves the eyes to focus on the near object.  
Explain the pathways for the corneal reflex. CN V (Opthalmic Br.) --> synapse to spinal nucleus of CN V --> synapse to CN VII nucleus --> synapse to orbicularis oculi muscle --> quick closure of eye.  
Explain the pathways for the gag reflex. Afferent is CN IX --> synapse to solitary nucleus, efferent is CN X --> synapse to nucleus ambiguus.  
Explain the pathways for the jaw jerk reflex. CN V --> synapse to trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus --> synapse to trigeminal motor nucleus --> synapse to the masseter muscle.  
Explain the pathway of the pupillary light reflex. Light strikes the retina & is transmitted through the superior colliculus-->1st synapse in pretectal nucleus-->2nd synapse with Edinger-Westphal nucleus and other pretectal nucleus through the posterior commissure-->neuron leaves Edinger-Westphal nucleus as parasym of CN III-->3rd synapse of CN III on cilary ganglion-->4th synapse of cilary ganglion to cilary muscles resulting in constriction of pupil.  
Explain the pathway of the accommodation-convergence reflex. CN II signals lateral geniculate nucleus-->occipital lobe-->superior colliculus-->oculomotor & Edinger-Westphal nuclei-->oculomotor signals medial rectus muscle, Edinger-Westphal signals down CN III to cilary ganglion-->ciliary ganglion to cilary muscles constrict pupils.  

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