Cerebellum 2

Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 1


What are the functions of the spinocerebellum? Execution of limb movement, fine tuned motor control, muscle tone influence, corrects for deviations in intended movements.  
What are the afferents/inputs to the spinocerebellum? Somatosensory, motor, visual, auditory, vestibular, and spinocerebellar tracts.  
What are the efferents/outputs from the spinocerebellum? The interposed nucleus (limbs) and the fastigial nucleus (muscle tone).  
What is the path of the efferent interposed nucleus? To red nucleus, down rubrospinal tract to spinal cord or to the cortex via the ventral lateral thalamus to the primary motor cortex and premotor cortex to influence the corticospinal tract.  
What is the path of the efferent fastigial nucleus? To the vestibular nuclei to influence the vestibulospinal tract or to the reticular nuclei to influence the reticulospinal tracts (especially the medullary tract).  
What are the functions of the cerebrocerebellum? Precise rapid limb movement through regulation of agonist-antagonist timing, augmentation of tasks requiring dexterity, movement initiation, and motor learning (red nucleus).  
What are the afferents/inputs to the cerebrocerebellum? Primary motor cortex, primary sensory cortex, premotor cortex, and posterior parietal cortex.  
What are the efferents/outputs from the cerebrocerebellum through the superior peduncles? The dentate nucleus and the red nucleus.  
What is the path of the efferent dentate nucleus? Dentate nucleus to ventral lateral thalamus to motor cortex to premotor cortex.  
What are the two main roles of the premotor cortex? Help motor cortex time fast, rapid, alternating movements and help in initiation of movement, cue to start a movement.  
What is the path of the efferent red nucleus? Red nucleus to inferior olivary nucleus, climbing fibers arise from the olive and excite purkinje cells which inhibit deep cerebellar nuclei.  

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