Family 2

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Popularity (by number of users): 2


The family of a child with a disability has needs that are influenced by what five things? SES, parental education, quality/availability of medical facilities, parent training, extended family support.  
What are the six stages of parenting? Image making, nurturing, authority, interpretive, interdependent, departure.  
Describe stage related reactions. As a child gets older, parent go through the grieving process again as they believe the child’s abilities are a reflection of their success as a parent.  
What are six questions to include in the family assessment? History, personality/style, a typical day, what has the family been told about the condition, current parent concerns, future.  
What are the factors that influence the therapist-family relationship? Roles of other professionals, availability of services, nature of the family’s problems.  
What are the factors that contribute to being perceived by the family as an effective therapist? Flexibility, accessibility, responsiveness, acknowledging problems and concerns, restructuring the environment to accommodate family.  
Identify the components of family empowerment. Start where the family is and work as a consultant or resource: enabler, mobilize, mediator, advocate.  
What are the guidelines in family centered services? Offer help, do not wait until asked, help giver’s and family’s perceptions of need is the same, help can be reciprocated, promote immediate success, collaborate with family and professionals to meet needs.  
What are the most important variable when looking at a child with a disability’s impact on the home? The number of child with disability related problems, quantity and quality of resources available, may impact heal and marital adjustment of primary caregiver, least important is SES.  
What are maternal associated risk factors that can affect the fetus/newborn? Maternal age, health, nutrition, stress, infections & diseases, substance abuse, radiation, and HIV/AIDS.  
What are the causes of fetal alcohol syndrome? Ingestion of alcohol by the mother, fetus lacks hepatic enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase to metabolize alcohol.  
What are the three categories for a diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome? Prenatal and postnatal growth deficiencies, CNS impairments, facial dysmorphology.  
What are the facial dysmorphologies seen in FAS? Midface hypoplasia, thin upper lip, long flat philitrum, low set ears, low anterior hairline, epicanthal folds, upturned nose, ptosis, strabismus.  
What is Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE)? When alcohol is considered as one possible cause of a child’s birth defect.  

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