Reticular Activating System 2

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Popularity (by number of users): 1


Describe the medullary reticulospinal tract. Arises from gigantocellular reticular nuclei and runs crossed and uncrossed, inhibits extensor and facilitates flexors, more active when you are sleeping.  
Describe the pontine reticulospinal tract. Arises from the caudal and oral pontine reticular nuclei and runs ipsilaterally, facilitates extensors, more active when awake.  
What are the functions of the reticular activating system? Consciousness and attention, sleep, muscle tone, and visceral functions.  
Define sleep. A cyclic, temporary loss of consciousness.  
Describe REM sleep. Active eye movements, increases in body movements, muscle twitches, fluctuations of heart rate and temperature, highly active, irregular brain patterns.  
What is REM sleep controlled by? Noradrenergic neurons in the locus cereleus.  
Describe nonREM sleep. Vital signs more stable, less body movements, 80% of sleep cycle.  
What is nonREM sleep controlled by? The sertonergic neurons of the raphe nuclei.  
What are the clinical implications for the reticular activating system? Lesions can cause coma or changes in wakefulness.  

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