Vocabulary from top-selling English–Greek textbook
Popularity (by total correct streak): 3861
Popularity (by number of users): 132
ἡ ἁμαρτία | sin | |
ἡ ἀρχή | beginning, ruler | |
γάρ | for, then | |
εἶπεν | he/she/it said | |
εἰς | acc: into, in, among | |
ἡ ἐξουσία | authority, power | |
τό εὐαγγέλιον | good news, Gospel | |
ὁ Ἰησοῦς | Jesus, Joshua | |
ὁ κύριος | Lord, lord, master, sir | |
μή | not, lest | |
ὁ οὐρανός | heaven, sky | |
οὖτος | singular: this (one); plural: these | |
σύ | you (singular) | |
ὁ υἱός | son, descendant | |
ὥστε | therefore, so that |
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