Dates for Shannon Mid-term
Popularity (by total correct streak): 120
Popularity (by number of users): 5
1683 | Jan Sibieski leads Christians to victory against Turks at Vienna | |
1694 | Bank of England founded | |
1702 | Death of William of Orange | |
1707 | Act of Union | |
1713 | Treaty of Utrecht | |
1714 | Reign of George I of England begins | |
1729 | Jonathan Swift's | |
1733 | Voltaire's Letters Concerning the English Nation | |
1738 | Pope Clement XII condemns Free-Masonry | |
1748 | Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle | |
1762 | Rousseau's The Social Contract | |
1763 | Peace of Paris | |
1765 | Stamp Act imposed on British colonies | |
1773 | Suppression of the Jesuits | |
1775 | Flour War (food riot) in France | |
1781 | Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | |
1783 | Death of St. Benedict Joseph Labre | |
1789 | Louis XVI convenes the Estates-General | |
1790 | Civil Constitution of the Clergy | |
1791 | Declaration of Pillnitz | |
1793 | Execution of Louis XVI | |
1799 | Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power from the Directory | |
1804 | Napoleon crowned himself Emperor | |
1806 | Continental System established | |
1812 | Napoleon attacks Russia | |
1815 | Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo |
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