Theory of Motor Learning

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Popularity (by number of users): 2


What is the evolution of motor control theories in clinical practice? Reflex, hierarchical, systems  
What clinical practice is polio associated with? Muscle re-ed, MMT  
What clinical practice is the hierarchical model most associated with? Neurotherapeutic facilitation (PNF, Brunnstrom, SI, NDT)  
What clinical practice is the systems model most associated with? The contemporary task-oriented approach that includes motor principles  
What are the clinical implications of the contemporary systems model? Practice goal oriented tasks, teach motor problem solving through repetition, practice in variable environments, improve efficiency of compensatory strategies, consider all systems contributing to mvmt  
What are the limitations of the contemporary systems model? Minimizes hand on, very cognitive, difficult to quantify efficient compensation, difficult to provide time consuming practice of skills  
Describe the application of motor learning principles. It is a shift away from treating impairment to an education model that emphasizes re-learning of motor tasks, it is a problem solving approach, requires cognition, motor learning should not be equated with functional training  
Define motor performance. Refers to an instance in time and is directly observable: the duration to complete task, quality of mvmt, efficiency, etc.  
Define motor learning. Results in a relatively permanent change in skill performance from repeated practice, inferred, indirectly assessed with retention test or transfer of learning  
What are the stages of motor learning? The early cognitive stage, intermediate associative stage, and late autonomous stage  
Describe the early cognitive stage of motor learning. Clumsy, trial and error period, heavy reliance on visual input, self problem solving occurs, therapist provides repeated verbal instruction, demonstration, manual guidance to create a reference of correctness  
Describe the intermediate associative stage of motor learning. Proprioceptive input is important, less variability in performance, fewer errors, concentration on how to do the mvmt vs. what the mvmt is, therapist decreases manual guidance and provides appropriate practice in different environments.  
Describe the late autonomous stage of motor learning. Mvmts are consistent, low error rate, minimal cognitive involvement, environmental distractions don't impair performance, can attend to obstacles, distractions, can perform secondary tasks, therapist should focus on dual tasking  

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