Affolter Approach

Popularity (by total correct streak): 3
Popularity (by number of users): 3


What are the basics principles of the Affolter Approach? Relationship between tactile-kinesthetic input and problem solving skills, non verbal guiding to facilitate perceptual-cognitive interaction, therapy emphasizes appropriate input rather than successful output  
With what client types is the Affolter Approach appropriate? Coma recovery, CVA, TBI, LD, Alzheimer's, PDD  
What are the two categories individuals tend to fall into when perceptual-cognitive breakdown occurs? Hectic or quiet  
Describe the hectic individual. Quick brief actions, aggressive, hyperactive, difficulty attending to task, incessant talking, release by throwing vs. placing, unintentional breakage or frequent hurting of others, mvmt thru space freely without support, uses one hand vs. two (RCVA)  
Describe the quiet individual. Poor initiation, limited participation, increased time with frequent frustration, whines and complains (LCVA)  
Describe behaviors that are common to both hectic and quiet individuals. Poor orientation to time and space, poor safety and judgment, emotional lability  
Describe the evaluation process for the Affolter Approach. Functional activity, usually self-feeding, make sure they can attend to activity, shift attn, sequence activity, coordinate necessary mvmts including swallowing, problem solve  
What questions should the therapist ask themselves during the evaluation? Where does the breakdown occur, does the patient recognize task, do they initiate and sequence, are their motor skills adequate to reach the goal?  
How is guiding used? Goal is input rather than output, used as a way to document: heavy, moderate, light, or no guidance, influence the T- K sense through non-verbal  
What are the benefits of guiding? Immediate response in tone, increased focus, attn, and eye-hand coordination, family education and participation  
What are the key principles to guiding? Initially performed with a reference of support, when tone is normalized, progress to mvmt through air, reference whole body  
What are the principles of treatment? Activity is age appropriate and functional, quiet environment is critical, allow errors to self correct, patients must adapt to different situation, modify behavior and mvmt, change strategies  
What is the goal of Affolter in combination with NDT? to normalize muscle tone through positioning and guidance mvmts  
What is the goal of PNF in combination with Affolter? To provide normal T-K input  

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