Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning

Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 2


Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level I no response/total assistance. Complete absence of observable change in behavior when presented with visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular, or painful stimuli  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level II generalized response/total assistance. Demonstrates generalized reflex response to painful stimuli, responds to repeated auditory stimuli with increased or decreased activity  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level III localized response, total assistance. Demonstrates withdrawal or vocalization to painful stimuli, turns toward or away from auditory stimuli  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level IV confused/agitated maximal assistance. Alert and in heightened state of activity, purposeful attempts to remove restraints or tubes or crawl out of bed  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level V confused, inappropriate non agitated maximal assistance. Alert, not agitated, but may wander randomly or with a vague intention of going home, may become agitated in response to external stimulation, and/or lack of environmental structure  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level VI confused, appropriate moderate assistance. Inconsistently oriented to person, time, and place, able to attend to highly familiar tasks in a non-distracting environment for 30 minutes with moderate redirection  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level VII automatic, appropriate minimal assistance for daily living skills. Consistently oriented to person and place, within highly familiar environments, moderate assistance for orientation to time, able to attend to highly familiar tasks in a non-distraction environment for at least 30 minutes with minimal assist to complete tasks  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level VIII purposeful, appropriate, stand by assistance. Consistently oriented to person, place, and time, independently attends to and completes familiar tasks for 1 hour in distracting environments  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level IX purposeful, appropriate, stand by assistance on request. Independently shifts back and forth between tasks and completes them accurately for at least two consecutive hours, uses assistive memory devices to recall daily schedule, to do lists, and record critical info for later use with assistance when requested  
Describe Rancho Los Amigos Level X purposeful, appropriate, modified independence. Able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously in all environments but may require periodic breaks, able to independently procure, create, and maintain own assistive memory devices  

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