Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary - word frequency 299x-240x

Popularity (by total correct streak): 2351
Popularity (by number of users): 75


חַטָּאת sin, sin offering (298)  
סוּר Qal-to turn aside, turn off, leave off, desist; Hi-remove, take away, get rid of (298)  
עֵת time, point of time (296)  
חָזַק Qal-to be strong, grow firm, have courage; Pi-make firm, make strong, strengthen; Hi-strengthen, seize, grasp, take hold of; Hith-strengthen oneself, show oneself as strong or courageous (290)  
כָּרַת Qal-to cut off, cut down, make a covenant; Hi-cut off, eliminate, destroy, exterminate (289)  
עָבַד Qal-to work, serve, toil, till, cultivate (289)  
בְּרִית covenant (287)  
עׂלָה whole burnt offering (286)  
אׂיֵב enemy (285)  
אַתֶּם you (283)  
חׂדֶשׁ month, new moon (283)  
חָיָה Qal-to live, be alive, stay alive, revive, restore to life; Pi-preserve alive, let live, give life; Hi-preserve, keep alive, revive, restore to life (283)  
קָרַב Qal-to approach, draw near, come near, make a sexual advance; Hi-bring near, present, offer a sacrifice or offering (280)  
אַף nostril, nose (277)  
אֶבֶן (fs) stone  
צׂאן flock(s), flock of sheep and goats (274)  
שֵׁשׁ six (274)  
לְמַעַן on account of, for the sake of (272)  
בָּשָׂר flesh, meat, skin (270)  
מִדְבָּר wilderness, desert, pasture (269)  
רָשָׁע wicked, guilty (264)  
חַי living, alive (254)  
מַטֶּה staff, rod, tribe (252)  
מָלֵא Qal-to be full, fill up; Ni-be filled; Pi-fill, perform, carry out, consecrate as priset (252)  
גְּבוּל border, boundary, territory (251)  
רֶגֶל foot (251)  
אַמָּה cubit (249)  
חֶסֶד loyalty, faithfulness, steadfast love, lovingkindness (249)  
חַיִל strength, wealth, army (246)  
חָטָא Qal-to miss a goal or mark, sin, commit a sin; Pi-make a sin offering; Hi-induce or cause to sin (240)  
נַעַר boy, youth, servant (240)  

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