drug pronunciaton and general information

Popularity (by total correct streak): 5
Popularity (by number of users): 1


isotretionoin (eye-soe-tret-ih-noin) accutane,amneteem,claravis,sotret-for antiacne  
miconazole (mye-kon-uh-zole) tioconazole,vagistat-1,butoconazole nitrate,femstat-for anifungal and vaginitis or fungal infection of the vagina, skin and blood  
midodrine proamatine-for alpha stimulant, for dixxiness or fainting when rising after sitting or used for poor urinary control or retrogrand ejaculation(seman backing up in bladder and not through urethra  
mirtazapine (ur-taz-uh-pene) antidepressant-tremors and panic disorder  

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