Biblical Hebrew Pronominal Suffixes

Popularity (by total correct streak): 537
Popularity (by number of users): 54


י ִ my/me (1cs) - Type 1  
נִי my/me (1cs) - Type 1  
ךָ your/you (2ms) - Type 1  
ךְ your/you (2fs) - Type 1  
וׂ His (its)/him (it) (3ms) - Type 1  
הוּ His (its)/him (it) (3ms) - Type 1  
הּ ָ Her (its)/her (it) (3fs) - Type 1  
הָ Her (its)/her (it) (3fs) - Type 1  
נוּ our/us (1cp) - Type 1  
כֶם your/you (2mp) - Type 1  
כֶן your/you (2fp) - Type 1  
הֶם their/them (3mp) - Type 1  
ם ָ their/them (3mp) - Type 1  
הֶן their/them (3fp) - Type 1  
ן ָ their/them (3fp) - Type 1  
י ַ my/me (1cs) - Type 2  
יךָ ֶ your/you (2ms) - Type 2  
יִךְ ַ your/you (2fs) - Type 2  
יו ָ His (its)/him (it) (3ms) - Type 2  
יהָ ֶ Her (its)/her (it) (3fs) - Type 2  
ינוּ ֵ our/us (1cp) - Type 2  
יכֶם ֵ your/you (2mp) - Type 2  
יכֶן ֵ your/you (2fp) - Type 2  
יהֶם ֵ their/them (3mp) - Type 2  
יהֶן ֵ their/them (3fp) - Type 2  

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