more vocab
Popularity (by total correct streak): 1178
Popularity (by number of users): 26
situated | situatdo | |
originally | antiguamente | |
good manners | los buenos modales | |
airpor | el aeropuerto | |
runway | la pista | |
custom | la costumbre | |
lips | los labios | |
to wash oneself | lavarse | |
to comb oneself | peinarse | |
Hannukah | La fiesta de las luces, Hanuka | |
Jewish | Judio | |
birth | el nacimiento | |
to be born | nacer | |
to go camping | ir de camping | |
to take a hike | dar una caminata | |
behavior | el comportamiento | |
courtesy | la cortesia | |
motive | el motivo | |
below | abajo | |
control tower | el torre de control | |
wing | la ala | |
cheek | la mejilla | |
little pat | la palmadita | |
to get oneself up | levantarse | |
to put on oneself | ponerse | |
menorah | el menorah, el candelabro | |
birthday | el cumpleanos | |
baptism | el bautizo | |
hike | la caminata | |
trail | la senda, el sendero | |
one to the other, each other | el uno del otro | |
older | mayor | |
now a days | hoy en dia | |
highway | el carretera | |
motor | el motor | |
propellers | la helices | |
back | la espalda | |
a hug | el abrazo | |
to eat breakfast | desayunarse | |
to look at oneself | mirarse | |
arm of candle | el brazo | |
to light | encender | |
priest | la cura, el sacerdote | |
god mother, father | la madrina, el padrino | |
hammock | la hamaca, el chinchorro | |
tent | la tienda de campana, la carpa | |
younger | menor | |
curtious | cortes | |
not curtious | decortes | |
well mannered | bien educado | |
traveler | el viajero | |
sick, nausious | mareado | |
ill-mannered | mal educado | |
symptom | los sintomas | |
altitude sickness | el soroche | |
thinning | el enrarecimiento | |
ill mannered | malcriado | |
to behave oneself | comportarse | |
lack | la falta | |
affectionately | carinosamente | |
commercials, ads | el anuncio | |
the hole | el hueco | |
to greet | saludar | |
to say goodbye | despedirse de | |
surface gliding boad | el aerodeslizador, el hidrofoil | |
to confide in | confiar | |
to insist upon | insistir en | |
to transfer | trasladar | |
to use the tu form | tutear | |
to go down | bajar | |
to go up | subir | |
to take | tomar | |
the disembark | desembarcar | |
to adress | dirigir | |
to breathe | respirar | |
right away | en seguida | |
immediately | inmediatamente | |
jet | el jet, el avion reactor | |
helicopter | el helicoptero | |
to get close | acercarse | |
to shake hands | dar la mano, estrechar la mano | |
the landing | el aterrizaje | |
the take off | el despegue | |
to fly over | sobrevolar | |
to give a kiss | dar un beso | |
to hug | abrazar | |
altitude | la altura, la altitud | |
mountain | la montana | |
close | intimo | |
to invite | invitar | |
to pay | pagar | |
peak | el pico | |
mesa, plateau | el altiplano, la meseta | |
to share | compartir, dividir | |
the plains | la llanura | |
lake | el lago | |
to stare at | fijarse en | |
to disappear | desaparecer | |
sea level | el nivel del mar | |
good appetite | buen provecho | |
range | el cordillera | |
it is advisable | es aconsejable | |
valley | el valle | |
to call oneself, to be named | llamarse | |
to shave oneself | afeitarse | |
to shower oneself | ducharse | |
candle | la vela | |
christmas | la navidad | |
to bathe oneself | banarse | |
to put makeup on oneself | maquillarse | |
christmas ever | el Nochebueno | |
the eve | la vispera | |
mass | la misa | |
to wake oneself up | despertarse | |
to have fun | divertirse | |
midnight mass | la misa del gallo | |
christmas tree | el arbol de Navidad | |
present | el aguinaldo, el regalo | |
to seat oneself | sentarse | |
day of the wise men | el Dia de los reyes magos | |
camels | los camellos | |
to fall asleep | dormirse | |
to arrive | llegar | |
to bring | traer | |
straw | la paja | |
to get oneself into bed | acostarse | |
shoe | el zapato | |
intelligent | magos | |
new year | el Nuevo Ano | |
to get dressed | vestirse | |
have a good new year | prospero ano nuevo | |
god child | el ahijado | |
child | el nino | |
15th birthday | la quinceanera | |
party | la fiesta | |
sleeping bag | el saco, la bolsa de dormir | |
to celebrate | celebrar | |
to turn 4 years | cumplir 4 anos | |
to gather | reunirse | |
the cake | la torta, el pastel, el bizcocho (la galleta) | |
to dress formally | vestirse de gala | |
ballroom of a hotel | el salon del hotel | |
funeral | un funeral | |
cemetary | el cementerio, el camposanto | |
dead person | el difunto, el muerto | |
small stove for camping | el hornillo | |
trailer | la carvana, la casa-remolque | |
to bury | enterrar | |
to be buried | estar enterado,a |
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