vocab for final
Popularity (by total correct streak): 2988
Popularity (by number of users): 94
quid agis | how are you? | |
invidere | to envy | |
otium | leisure | |
orationes habitum | (in order) to give speeches | |
orationes auditum | (in order) to hear speeches | |
privatus | private | |
arbor, arboris | tree | |
querela | complaint | |
triumphum agere | to celebrate a triumph | |
de Germanis | over the Germans | |
mirabile dictu | strange to say | |
patria | country, homeland | |
vesetis | clothing | |
indutus | dressed | |
litterae | letters | |
terribilis | frightening | |
seiunctus | separate | |
consilium | council | |
turpis | shameful | |
mentiri | to lie | |
incestum | immorality | |
supplicum ulitimum | death penalty | |
decernere | to vote, decree | |
impudentia | shamelessness | |
ob | on account of, because of | |
impurus | immoral | |
recitatio | recital public reading | |
nonnumquam | sometimes | |
ideo...quod | for the reason that, because | |
reprehendere | to blame, criticize | |
cum primum | as soon as | |
quaeso | i beg, please | |
dolere | to grieve, be sad | |
frui | to enjoy | |
ruri | in the country | |
iucundus | pleasant | |
foras | ouside outdoors | |
venari | to hunt | |
vincinus | neighbor | |
sicut...ita | just as...so | |
colonus | tenant-farmer | |
abstinere | to abstain | |
sumere | to take | |
cloaca | drain | |
confidere | to be sure | |
aliqui | some | |
quadriga | chariot | |
nugae | nonsense, foolish talk | |
epigramma | epigram | |
admonere | to warn | |
nominare | to name | |
male | badly | |
irasci | to become angry | |
auditorium | auditorium, hall | |
colloqui | to talk, chat | |
auditor | listener | |
evolvere | to unroll, open | |
complures | several | |
foedus | foul, disgusting | |
obscenus | obscene, disgusting | |
ratio | reason | |
haec...illa | this one...that one | |
interpellatio | interruption | |
renovare | to continue, resume | |
sibilare | to hiss | |
princeps | emperor | |
componere | to compose, make-up | |
aethera | sky, heaven | |
contingere | to touch | |
clarius...nihil | nothing more splendid | |
orbis | globe, world | |
vertex | top,peak | |
sidus | star | |
par | equal | |
minor...domino | smaller than its master | |
adulatio | flattery | |
ad ectremam scaenam | to the edge of the stage | |
discipulus | student | |
languere | to feel weak, sick | |
protinus | immediately | |
tangere | to touch | |
gelere | to freeze | |
febris | fever | |
Aquilo | North Wind | |
luscus | one-eyed | |
mirari | to admire | |
tanti non est...perire | it is not worth dying | |
superandi causa | for the sake of overpowering, to overpower | |
in potestatem redigere | to bring under control | |
victorium referre | to win a victory | |
initium | beginning | |
aestas | summer | |
proelium | battle | |
satis constat | is is generally agreed | |
affirmare | to declare | |
coniunx | wife | |
firmare | to stregthen , establish | |
parcere | to spare | |
se dedere | to surrender, give up | |
tributum | tribute, tax | |
molliter | gently, leniently | |
adsumere | to adopt | |
sollicitare | to worry | |
timeo ne | I am afraid that | |
inquietus | unsettled | |
quod si | but if | |
aurum | gold | |
equidem | indeed | |
obtinere | to hold | |
consularis | ex-cousul | |
meditatus | considered | |
deprehendere | to discover | |
sensus | feeling | |
quicquid | whatever | |
similis | similar | |
ad te iuvandum | to help you | |
modo | just now | |
suadere | to advise,suggest | |
supercillia contrahere | to draw eyebrows together | |
moderatio | moderation,caution | |
breviter | briefly | |
commode | appropriately | |
amplius | more fully | |
vereri | to be afraid | |
consideratus | careful, well-considered | |
uti | to use | |
elatus | excited, carried away | |
copiae | forces | |
obicere | to put in the way of, expose to | |
praetorio | commander of praetorian guard | |
sapienter | wisely | |
speciosus | impressive | |
aerarium | treasury | |
nec...nec | neither...nor | |
comparare | to compare | |
gerere | to achieve | |
proximus | last | |
oblivisci | to forget | |
meminimus | we remember | |
regere | to rule | |
cupido | desire | |
imperium | power | |
fieri | to become, be made | |
non...dibitabat quin | did not doubt that | |
odium | hatred | |
invidia | jealousy, envy | |
adfinis | realive by marriage | |
idem...ac | the same...as | |
propter | because of | |
adfinitas | relationship | |
virtus | virtue | |
asciscere | to adopt | |
cognomina | surname | |
meis filis asciscendis | by adopting my sons | |
afficere | to treat | |
quattuordecim | fourteen | |
aetate florere | to be in the prime of life | |
bis | twice | |
iungere | to join | |
uterque | each, both | |
repudiare | to divorce | |
cognata | relative by birth | |
quid multa? | in brief, in short | |
gener | son-in-law | |
gratus | acceptable | |
mutare | to change | |
queri | to lament, complain about | |
consolari | to console | |
nubere | to marry | |
quid faciam? | what am i to do? | |
venustas | charm | |
movere | to move, influence | |
avus | grandfather | |
esto! | Be! | |
pridie | the day before | |
errare | to wander | |
ignnorare | to not know | |
odiosus | hateful | |
eripere | to rescue, snatch away | |
est mihi | I have | |
crastinus | tomorrow's | |
prius...quam | before | |
uxorem ducere | to take as a wife, marry | |
distrahere | to tear apart | |
huc...illuc | this way...that way | |
pietas | duty | |
intra | inside | |
simulare | to pretend | |
iurare | to swear | |
deficere | to fail,die away | |
dextra | right hand | |
arripere | to seize | |
testari | to call to witness | |
ardenter | passionately | |
confarreatio | wedding ceremony | |
nuptialis | wedding | |
flammeum | veil | |
superponere | to place on | |
oriri | to rise up | |
feliciter! | good luck! | |
libum farreum | cake made from grain | |
iuxta | side by side | |
in manum...convenire | to pass into hands of | |
tabulae nuptiales | marriage contract | |
occidere | to set | |
prior | earlier | |
chorus | chorus,choir | |
musicus | musician | |
abripere | to tear away from | |
foras | out of the house | |
sistere | to stop | |
sollemnis | solemn traditional | |
postis | post,doorpost | |
fascinatio | the evil eye | |
avertere | to avert, turn away | |
morere! | die! | |
luctari | to struggle | |
excogitare | to invent,think up | |
horrescere | to shudder | |
abducere | to lead away | |
studium | study | |
litterae | literature | |
genus mortale | the human race | |
fulmen | thunderbolt | |
cremare | to burn, destroy by fire | |
diversus | different | |
nimbus | rain cloud | |
diluvium | flood | |
perdere | to destroy | |
prudenter | sensibly | |
se gerere | to behave, conduct oneself | |
inquisitio | examination,investigation | |
musca | fly | |
configere | to stab | |
respicere | to look up | |
displicere | to displease | |
discere | to learn | |
repente | suddenly | |
fabulosus | legendary, famous | |
facundus | fluent, eloquent | |
merito | deservedly, rightly | |
oratio soluta | prose speech | |
narratio | narration | |
cuctanter | slowly hesitantly | |
includere | to shut up | |
Notus | south wind | |
gravere | to load, wiegh down | |
imber | rain | |
tridens | trident | |
campus | plain | |
excipere | to take over | |
tellus | land,earth | |
discrimen | boundary, dividing line | |
remigare | to row | |
arare | to plow | |
supra | over on top of | |
aut | or | |
mergere | to submerge | |
piscis | fish | |
ovis | sheep | |
fulvus | tawny, light brown | |
capella | she goat | |
gracilis | graceful | |
causam dicere | to plead a case | |
facunde | fluently, eloquently | |
fallere | to escape notice of, slip | |
resumere | to pick up again | |
captare | to try to catch |
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