Pack Library

All words to 20x frequency

Countries of the world and their capital cities

Vocabulary from top-selling English–Greek textbook

Vocabulary List 1.1-5

Vocabulary List 3 (Kittel)

Norwegian Nouns

The lemmas which typically generate 80% of an ancient Greek text

Vocabulary List 2 (Kittel)

Aramaic vocab from the introduction

Vocabulary List 6 (Kittel)

Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary - word frequency 50,524x-2,000x

misc. vocab words

5000 SAT vocabulary words

All sums from 0+0 to 12+12

Basic Chinese characters, aka sinograms

Aramaic vocab from Lesson II

Upper and Lowercase Greek Letters

Vocabulary from top-selling English–Greek textbook

Vocabulary from top-selling English–Greek textbook

Vocabulary List 4 (Kittel)

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