english to modern greek pronouns
Koine Greek words that appear 12 times in the NT
Greek Vocab with Which I Struggled in 1 John 1:1-10.
Greek verb to English meaning & 2nd-6th principal parts
Jeremy Duff: The Elements of NT Greek
Learning Greek MYTHOLOGY
help with roots
Koine Greek words that appear 109~75 times in the NT
Biblical Greek Frequency Lists
cards for lesson 3 of the 'Read John' inductive course in NT Greek
Koine Greek words that appear 13 times in the NT
Greek Vocabulary
Koine Greek words that appear 199~110 times in the NT
Greek stuff
chapter 1 singular to plural for greek or latin terms
James 1:13-18
17 times
Greek stuff
Greek stuff
Supplemental Vocab for Greek 1, Lesson 4
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